Family Reunion

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Ben just stood there for a few moments, fighting the urge to go to his grandpa and give him a tight hug.

"What do you want to know kid" asked Max.

"How do you know Vilgax" asked Ben.

"It's a long story" replied Max.

"I got time" said Ben.

Max just sighed, not wanting to tell the story.

"C'mon old man" said Ben.

Max then sighed once again before saying "a long time ago, during my early plumber years I and the rest of the plumbers were assigned on a mission, to stop Vilgax".

"Vilgax, at the time didn't have an army or you but was still dangerous enough to be considered a threat by the Plumbers. Since Earth was considered a primitive undeveloped planet at the time he thought it would be easy to takeover".

"I and my fellow plumbers tried to stop him but he was too powerful to take down. He killed all my partners but luckily he was too wounded from the fight to finish me off so he fled, leaving Earth. I hoped that was the last time I would ever hear from him but I was wrong, he came back a few years and...".

Tears fell down from Max's eyes as he couldn't complete his sentence, it was too painful for him.

Ben saw this and want to console but maintained himself, not wanting to reveal his identity at least not yet anyway.

"Why did you come here" asked Ben.

"To take Vilgax down" said Max.

"Alone, you do realize he has an entire army on his beck and call" said Ben.

"I had to at least try, each and every day that monster gets stronger and invaded other worlds. Millions upon millions of alien life end up suffering under his rule. I wanted to do the universe a favor and just ended his life" said Max.

Ben saw something he didn't think he would ever see in his life, he saw his grandpa angry.

"Why am I telling you all this, you wouldn't understand, you are just another one of Vilgax's minions" said Max.

Max's words hurt Ben much more than he would ever know.

Ben tried not to shed a tear underneath his suite.

Ben then decided that he couldn't leave his grandpa like that, in the state he was in, he needed to help him even if it meant going against Vilgax.

"Sorry about this" said Ben before he used the Omnitrix to transform into Gutrot.

"Sorry about this" said Ben before he used the Omnitrix to transform into Gutrot

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"A Gastro..."Max passed before he could complete his sentence after inhaling some gas knock out gas Gutrot release from his body.

A while later Max woke up in a ship and seated next to him was was Ben.

"What do you think you are doing" asked Max.

"Shut up old man, we have a long way to go" said Ben before he started the ships engine.

Ben then flew the ship away to a place he thought he would never see again, Earth, his home.

To be continued....

I knew I said I would take a break for my studies and exam but I just couldn't help myself. Anyway I hope you like it, don't expect another chapter for awhile but I will try and see if I can add one or two chapters anytime I'm free or opportuned to.
So enjoy this chapter, also vote and comment so I can know what you think about it

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