Leaving Earth

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Ben finds himself engulfed in a binding green light.

After a while the light died down and Ben then realized that had now been transformed in some kind of fire creature.

Ben freaks out at first as he did not understand what was happening, all Ben knew was that one minute he was a normal kid and the next minute he was a human size flaming torch

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Ben freaks out at first as he did not understand what was happening, all Ben knew was that one minute he was a normal kid and the next minute he was a human size flaming torch.

Meanwhile high up in the cold vacuum of space an alien ship made it's was to Earth with a familiar squid faces alien in it.

Ben who was still freaking out jumped into a nearby lake thinking it would quench the flames but the flames just lit up again the moment he got out.

Ben eventually realized that the flames didn't really hurt him in anyway.

Soon he started playing around with the flames on his body and he even formed a fire ball in the process.

"Cool" said Ben with a smile before he threw the fire ball to a near by tree which instantly set the tree ablaze.

Ben smiled, feeling a little bit better after setting the tree on fire.

He then decided to burn a few other trees with some fire balls and accidentally started a forest fire in the process.

"Oh no" said Ben as he began to freak out once again.

He tried to put out the flames but he only made it worse.

"In hindsight throwing fire balls in a forest filled with flammable wooden trees might have not been the best idea" Ben said to himself.

Then Ben heard something coming from high up in the sky.

He then looked up and saw a ship making its way down to forest floor.

The wind from the ship as it landed was enough to quench the flames from the flame engulfed trees.

Ben stood in front of the ship for a few brief moment both confused and shocked.

The ship doors the opened up and five alien robot came out.

The ship doors the opened up and five alien robot came out

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