A not so warm welcome

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Ben flew the ship to Earth and made their way to Bellwood.

"How do you know my hometown" asked Max wondering how Agent 10 knew that Bellwood was his home town but Ben remained silent.

Ben didn't want to reveal himself to his grandpa because he feared that he would be disappointed in him and the choice he made.

They were about to land somewhere in a small park but then an energy beam fly out of nowhere and his them.

"What was that" asked Max.

Ben then looked at the ship monitors and saw four plumbers ships behind them.

"Friends of yours" said Ben.

"They must think we are one of Vilgax's minions sent here by him" said Max.

Then one of the plumber ships hit them with an energy beam once again which greatly damages the ship.

"Turn on these ship's communicator, let me talk to them" said Max.

"No can't do old man, that last blast fried most of the ship the communicators included" said Ben.

Ben then flew the ship toward the park.

"What are you doing" asked Max.

"Trying to shake these friends of yours before they kill us" said Ben as he flew through the park forest trees hoping he would lose the plumber in the thick forest but it didn't work.

"Are still on our tale" said Ben.

Then one of the ships fired an energy beam that hits and destroys their ship's engine causing them to crash down to the park in a fiery explosion.

In the pile of burning Ben transformers in to an Arburian Pelarota.

And rolled out of the fire in his ball form with Max in his protective shell

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And rolled out of the fire in his ball form with Max in his protective shell.

Once out of the fire Ben transformers back to his normal form.

Ben placed Max who was badly hurt on the floor.

"Are okay" asked Ben.

"Yeah kid, I've been through far worse than this" said Max weakly as he slowly began to lose consciousness.

Ben seeing his grandpa on the state he wasn't couldn't take it anymore.

He takes it his helmet with tears falling down from his eyes.

"Ben" said Max recognizing his grandson's green eyes and mischievous face.

"Hey grandpa" said Ben with tears falling down from his eyes.

"Your Agent 10" said Max.

Ben then bowed down his head thinking his grandpa was disappointed in him but then Max using the last of his strength got up and hugged him.

Ben was shocked and froze up for a few moments before hugging his grandpa back.

Grandpa Max then fell down to the ground, hurt and weak.

"Grandpa" said Ben as he went to him.

"I have tell you something Ben" said Max weakly.

"Yes grandpa" said Ben.

"It's about your parents" said Max.

"My parents? What about them?" Asked Ben.

"They were plumbers and they death wasn't because of a far accident. They were murdered" said Max.

"Murdered? By how?" Asked Ben.

"By..." Max lost consciousness before he could finish his sentence.

"No, no, no, wake up grandpa, WAKE UP!!!" Screamed Ben at the top of his lungs but his grandpa still didn't wake up.

Ben then heard a few plumber soldiers making their way to them.

Ben quickly puts his helmet back on.

"Freeze" said one of the plumbers as they made their way to him.

Ben then moved aside and allowed them to see Max.

"Grandpa" said one of the plumbers shocking Ben.

She then took off her plumber helmet and Ben's eyes widened when he saw her face.

"Gwen" whispered Ben softly.

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