It's hero time

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Ben stood next to Hope and standing in front of him was his cousin who had not seen or heard from him in years.

"Hey Gwen" said Ben with a weak smile.

"Commander Gwen we have him surrounded, should we attack" asked a plumber standing next to Gwen.

"No, hold your fire" said Gwen not taking her eyes off her cousin.

Gwen then slowly walked to Ben.

She still found it hard to believe that he was really Ben.

"If you really Ben tell me something only Ben would know" said Gwen.

Ben then sighed before saying "you owe me a new game console".

Gwen eyes then widened in shock before whispering softly, "Ben".

"What's up dweeb" said Ben with a smile.

Gwen then pulled him in for a tight hug.

Ben was surprised by Gwen hugging him as was all the other plumber that surrounded them.

Gwen never hugged by when they were still, she would always tease and make fun of him so Ben was tremendous surprised by the hug.

Ben then slowly raised his arms and hugged her back.

Even though they might have not see eye to eye and could not stand each other as kids they were still family and cared for each other even though they never admitted it as kids.

"Aww" said Hope as she watched Ben and Gwen hug.

Ben and Gwen then stopped hugging once they heard Hope.

Gwen then turned her attention to Hope.

"Charmcaster" said Gwen angrily as she went to Hope.

"Wait Gwen" said Ben as went to Hope, standing in front of her and blocking her from Gwen.

"Step out of the way Ben, Charm..." Gwen was cut short by Ben saying "her name is Hope and yes I know she is criminal but she isn't here to cause any trouble".

The Plumbers then readied their weapons and aimed them for Ben and Hope.

"Please Gwen" begged Ben.

Gwen looked at Ben's eyes and saw that he truly cared about her and wanted to protect her.

Gwen then sighed before saying "stand down Plumbers".

The Plumbers then put away there weapons.

"Why are you two here" asked Gwen.

"Really, you haven't seen your cousin in years and that's the first thing you ask" said Hope.

"You do still remember that you are a wanted criminal and I can still easily arrest you if I want to right" said Gwen glaring at Hope.

"I'll like to see you try" said Hope glaring back at Gwen.

"Ladies please" said Ben stopping the two young women before they kill themselves.

Gwen and Hope then calmed down.

Ben then turned to Gwen and said "We're here to warn you all".

"Warn us about what exactly" asked Gwen.

"Vilgax is coming to Earth with an army" said Ben.

"What!?!?" Said Gwen.

"Yes, he is on his way here as we speak we don't have much time" said Ben.

"Officer Gwendolyn, what do we do. Can we trust him, he is Agent 10, he has worked with the warlord Vilgax and helped him conquer countless world across the Galaxy" said a Plumber.

"Look I know I've done a lot of terrible things in accordance to Vilgax's orders but that was before I knew he was the person that murdered my parents" said Ben.

Gwen then widened, shocked that Ben knew the truth about his parents death.

"How did you know about that" asked Gwen.

"When I and Hope broke in  here the other I saw the file about my parents" said Ben with his arms crushed into a tight fist as he thought about the fact that he had been serving the monster who took his parents away from him.

"Look I'm not asking any of you to pardon any of the horrible things I've done but please let me help make that monster pay for everything he did. After that I will gladly serve whatever punishment you want me to" said Ben.

Gwen then went to Ben, seeing something she had never seen in him, determination and a longing for redemption.

Her cousin had really grown through out the past years.

She knew he had done a lot of unspeakable things as Agent 10 but he wanted to me things right and help them take Vilgax down.

"Alright Agent 10, you can help us starting by telling us everything you know about Vilgax" said Gwen.

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