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Ben was now in a plumber base being interrogated by Gwen, a senior plumber officer.

His hands where cuffed with special handcuffs that prevented him from torching the Omnitrix.

"I'll ask you for the last time Agent 10, why are you here and what did you do to my grandpa" said Gwen angrily.

Ben remained silent and just looked at his cousin, she had grown so much that if it wasn't for her red hair and green eyes he wouldn't be able to recognize her.

Ben remained silent and just looked at his cousin, she had grown so much that if it wasn't for her red hair and green eyes he wouldn't be able to recognize her

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Ben, after being silent for so long opened his mouth and said "Your grandpa, is he okay".

Gwen looked at Agent 10 shocked  and confused by his question.

"I asked a question and I'm waiting for an answer" said Ben.

"Why do you want to know" asked Gwen.

"It's none of your concern Gwendolyn" said Ben.

"How did you know my name" asked Gwen.

"I just do, now tell how is gran...I mean, how is Max doing" asked Ben, stopping himself from revealing his identity, not wanting Gwen or anybody else to know who he was behind the mask, at least not yet.

Gwen couldn't believe it but it seemed like Agent 10 was actually worried about Max.

"I'm asking you for the last time, how is he!!!" asked Ben with a little bit of anger in his voice as he spoke.

"His fine but in a coma, the medics are not sure when he would come out of it" said Gwen.

Ben crushed his hands into a fist upon hearing what had to his grandpa but was relieved to hear that he was alright.

"I have to go" said Ben.

"What?" Said Gwen.

"I can't stay here" said Ben.

"And do you think we are going to let you  leave this place just like that" asked Gwen.

"No I'll probably beat up every single plumber that tries to stop me though" said Ben.

"Oh yeah, how are you going to do that, your hands are cuffed" said Gwen.

"I don't need my hands" said Ben before he kicked Gwen which sent her flying straight to wall.

The plumbers guards watching from outside the room then came in to try and stop Ben.

Ben smiled upon seeing them walk in to room.

"Stop him, his trying to escape" said Gwen to the guards as she got up.

The guards used their blasters to try to blast Ben but Ben was too fast for them and dodged all their attacks.

One of energy beams from one of the guards blaster hits Ben hand cuffs and destroys it, freeing Ben's arm and the Omnitrix.

Ben then punched one of the plumber guards and grab his blaster and used it to fire at the other guards.

All the other guards were now down on the ground, defeated by Ben

Ben then heard the sound of Gwen readying her blast from behind to fire at him.

"Don't move a muscle" said Gwen.

Ben then stopped still.

"Good, now slowly turn around" said Gwen.

Ben then turned around and saw Gwen aiming a blaster at him.

Ben then smiled underneath his helmet before he threw his blaster, districting Gwen which allowed him to quickly grab her blaster.

Ben then aimed the two blasters at Gwen.

Gwen looked at him thinking that he would pull the trigger but he just threw the blasters away.

He then turned around and left the room.

Gwen stood their shocked, wondering why he didn't pull the trigger.

Gwen  snapped out of it and turned on the Plumber alarm which alerted all the plumbers about Ben.

Ben soon found himself surrounded by Plumbers.

Ben just smiled before he changed straight for them and without even touching the Omnitrix transforms into Vaxasaurian.

Ben just smiled before he changed straight for them and without even touching the Omnitrix transforms into Vaxasaurian

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Using his raw strength Ben cleared a path for himself, sending the plumbers flying with just a single blow.

As he approached the exist the plumber doors closed but Ben just bursted through them like they were nothing.

Ben, once out of the plumber base made his way to down town Bellwood.

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