It's hero time (Redemption)

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Ben was now standing before Vilgax, the squid face alien that took everything away from him and turned him in a monster that helped him conquer countless worlds.

"So it all comes down to this, you and me facing each other in this ship that is falling apart" said Vilgax before he grabbed Ben by the neck.

"We could have been something great you and I, above every single creature in the cosmos, we could have been gods ruling the universe together but you chose to go against me" said Vilgax.

"This coming from the mad octo face creep that killed my parents" said Ben.

Vilgax eyes then began glow as he was about to fire Ben with his eyes beam ending him.

"Before I end you I want you to know that I sincerely do not wish to kill you Tennyson, you would make an excellent warrior with or without the Omnitrix but you are weak and I cannot stand weaklings" said Vilgax.

Ben looked Vilgax in his red glowing eyes and said without an ounce of fear in him, "GO TO HELL".

Vilgax then fired his red eye beams straight for Ben with the intent to kill him but as the beam hit Ben the strange device on his emitted a green light that completely engulfed Ben within it and created an energy wave so strong that is caused Vilgax to let go of Ben.

Ben in shock as fell down to the ground as he was not harmed in anyway by Vilgax's attack.

"How is this possible?" Ben asked himself before looking at the Omnitrix like device on his chest.

"It can't be, could it?" Ben asked himself as he began to wonder what exactly the device of his chest was.

Ben came out of his train of thought as Vilgax charged straight for him about to deliver a powerful blow to him.

Ben crossed his hands together to block Vilgax's attack then the device on Ben's chest emitted a green light once again and transformed Ben's arms into Tetramand (four arms) with two arms sprouting out of the sides of is body.

Ben was able to block Vilgax's attack with his four Tetramanian arms.

"How is this possible?" Said Vilgax upon seeing that Ben had partially transformed into a Tetraman.

Ben looked at his Tetramanian arms equally as shocked as Vilgax at that moment.

"How did I..." Ben paused and then looked at the device on his chest.

"Could it be" said Ben as he realized just what that device was and what it could do.

Ben then looked at Vilgax with a smirk on his face and said before charging straight for him with his Tetramanian arms.

Vilgax was sent stumbling backwards with just a single blow from Ben, he then tried to hit Ben with his fist. which Ben blocks with his Tetramand arms.

Then, with nothing more than a thought Ben turned his arms into that of a Petrosapein (diamond head) and then fired smalls crystals out of his hands straight for him.

Vilgax shattered all the crystal fired by Ben with his bear hands.

Ben then turned his hands once again this time into Florauna (wild vine) and then drove his arms into the floor and formed vines underneath the floor that sprouted out of the ground underneath Vilgax and grabbed hold of him.

Vilgax then tore through the vines and then charged straight for Ben, grabbing him before he could attack and pinning on the wall.

"You lose Tennyson" said Vilgax.

Then anti matter engine then began overload causing the ship to begin to exploded and slowly fall from the sky.

"If I go down, I'll make sure you go down with me" said Vilgax.

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