Meeting the creator

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Ben had landed in planet Galvan and all the tiny Galvan's who lived there looked at him with a look of shock and confusion.

Ben wasn't exactly sure what to do now and just stood there staring back at the Galvan's in an awkward silence.

The Galvan's than began to whisper among themselves about who Ben was and why he had come there.

Ben even heard one of the Galvans say "isn't he Agent 10, the one who helps Vilgax the conquer take over countless planets"


One of the Galvans who saw and recognized the device on Ben's wrist then made his way to Ben.

As he approached Ben all the Galvans remained silent and just watched.

Ben eyes widened as he recognize the Galvan that approached him, he was the first thinker Azmth, the most intelligent of all the Galvan

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Ben eyes widened as he recognize the Galvan that approached him, he was the first thinker Azmth, the most intelligent of all the Galvan.

Ben had known about him through Vigax.

"Your Azmth right" asked Ben.

"You've heard of me" asked Azmth.

"Everyone knows about the smartest being in five galaxies" said Ben.

"I've heard of you as well, you've helped conquer countless worlds and enslaved millions across the galaxy" said Azmth.

Ben then bowed his head down in after hearing what Azmth said about him.

"Why are you here Agent 10" asked Azmth.

"I have a lot of questions and I need answers" said Ben.

"So you came here for answers" said Azmth.

"You the smartest being in five galaxies so sure you must know the answers to all the questions I have" said Ben.

"Even if I did, why should I help you" asked Azmth.

"Because I have to know" said Ben.

"Know what?" Asked Azmth.

"The person that killed my parents Carl and Sandra Tennyson" said Ben.

Azmth's then widened with shock upon hearing what Ben.

"You're a Tennyson" said Azmth shocked.

Ben then sighed before he took off his helmet and revealed his face.

"Of course, that's why it works for you" whispered Azmth softly.

"Come with me Tennyson" said Azmth.

Azmth then took Ben to his private lab.

"What exactly do you know about your parents death" asked Azmth.

Ben then sighed as he hated talking about his parents death.

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