It's Hero Time (part 3)

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Ben and Hope made their way to the cockpit to deal with Vilgax.

As they approached the cockpit they spotted a few of Vilgax's guards patrolling the halls.

"Freeze" said the guards spotting Ben and Hope and aiming their blasters straight for them.

"What's the plan 10" whispered Hope softly to Ben.

"I'm working on it" said Ben.

"Lord Vilgax we have apprehended to trespasses on board, what should we do with them" said one of the guards communicating to Vilgax through a communicator on his wrist.

"Bring them to me" said Vilgax.

"Alright sir" said the guard.

The guards then turn Ben and Hope.

"Come along Vilgax wants to you two" said the guard before the guards escorted Ben and Hope to the cockpit where Vilgax was in.

Hope wanted to use her magic to attack the guards but Ben stopped her by whispering softly to her ear, "not yet".

The guards took them to the cockpit where Vilgax was busy waiting for them.

" Agent 10, I suspected it was you. Tell me how did you escape my prison " asked Vilgax.

"I had a little help" said Ben looking at Hope.

"Hmm, I see you brought a friend" said Vilgax shifting his attention to Hope.

Vilgax then began approach Hope.

"Don't you dare touch her with your filthy blood covered hands" said Ben enraged as Vilgax as he approached Hope.

Hope then used her magic to push Vilgax away and send him flying straight to the ground before he could get too close.

"Sorry octo face I'm not that kind of girl" said Hope.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" said Vilgax completely enraged by Hope.

"Guards, kill them both, starting with her" said Vilgax pointing at Hope.

The guards then aimed their blasters for Hope.

"Ben, whatever you're planning please be quick about it" said Hope.

Meanwhile, as Vilgax was busy dealing with Ben and Hope Gwen made it to anti matter engine and then fires a powerful blast at it with her  blaster causing it to overload and go critical.

The ship began to shake with pieces of it exploding.

"What's going on with my ship" asked Vilgax greatly enraged by the fact that his ship was falling apart.

Ben seeing that both Vilgax and his guards were distracted attacked one of the guards and steals his blast.

Hope then used her magic to attack the rest of the guards.

"Tennyson, this is all your fault" said Vilgax filled with nothing but rage and anger before he charged straight for Ben.

Ben charged straight for Vilgax with his blaster, more than eager to fight Vilgax and make him pay for what he did to his parents.

Hope was busy attacking the guards when one of them attacked her with a blaster from behind, causing to fall down to the ground wounded.

The guard was about to finish her off when an energy blast came from no where and took him out.

Hope then turned around and saw Gwen standing behind her with her blaster.

"Never thought I would happy to see you with a blaster" said Hope.

"Where's Ben" asked Gwen.

Hope then pointed to the corner where Ben and Vilgax were busy fighting.

The ship shuck violently and followed by a loud bang.

"Common we need to get out of here" said Gwen.

Ben fired Vilgax with his blaster but none of his blasts were doing anything but enrage Vilgax.

Vilgax then grabbed Ben's blaster and then crushed it as if it was paper before delivering a powerful blow to Ben then sent him flying and crashing straight to the ground.

"Foolish child, do you think you can win a fight against me. I am Vilgax, entire worlds bow down before me and you're nothing more than a child" said Vilgax.

Vilgax then went to Ben.

"I gave you everything you ever needed, you and I would have ruled together as kings of the cosmos but you choose to betray me" said Vilgax.

"You took everything away from me, my happiness, my joy, my patents, my life and made me a monster just like you" said Ben with nothing but pure hatred in his eyes.

"I made who you are before me you were broken, sad and miserable child. I tried to make you strong but you tuned out to be weak just like your parents were before I killed them. I held you father just like this when I killed him" said Vilgax.

Vilgax then began to crush Ben's neck with his hard icy grip, slowly suffocating Ben.

"I killed you father like this right after I killed your mother" said Vilgax with a wicked smile on his face enjoying watching Ben die by his hand.

Ben could feel himself slowly slipping away to the cold embrace of death but just as he was about to close his eyes a magical blast came out of nowhere and hit Vilgax causing him to let go of Ben and fly away only to crash straight to the ground.

"Ben" said Hope and Gwen as the rushed to him.

"Hey silver fox, dweeb" said Ben weakly before he lost consciousness, exhausted and tired from his fight with Vilgax.

Sorry guys, I've been busy. I wasn't even sure if I was going to publish this chapter today but I had a lot of time to kill. Anyway I hope you like it and my next chapter will be out soon, hopefully it will take less time than this.
Anyway I hope you liked it, vote, comment and check out my other books.
Oh and season greets.

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