It's Hero time (part 4)

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Ben slowly opened his eyes to see Hope and Gwen were rushing somewhere.

The ship was busy falling apart with different explosions coming from different parts of the ship.

Ben could hear Gwen and Hope talking.

"Come on Ben, I just got you back I'm not ready to lose you again" said Gwen.

"Come on 10, you're tougher than this" said Hope.

Ben smiled hearing the love and concern in their voices as they spoke.

Hope and Gwen made their way to an escape pod carrying Ben on their arms.

They managed to reach the pod and were to leave but then as the pod's engine started something grabbed hold of it refusing to let the pod leave.

They then heard an all to familiar voice screaming "YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE TENNYSON. IF I GO DOWN I'LL MAKE SURE YOU COME WITH ME".

Vilgax held on to the pod using nothing but his pure strength to keep it from leaving.

"Doesn't this dumb thing have any weapon we can use to blast that octopus face away" said Hope.

"Nope, it has no weapons" said Gwen.

"Then that means we are stuck here" said Gwen.

"No, you're not" said another familiar voice.

The two girls then turned around and saw Ben standing next to the door.

"Ben, what are you planning to do" Said Gwen sensing Ben was about to do something reckless.

"Sorry cos, I gotta go. Hey Hope promise me you will stay out of trouble" said Ben.

"Ben" said Hope with ears falling down from her eyes.

Ben then opened up the door and jumped out.

"BEN!!!!" screamed Hope with tears falling down from her eyes but it was too late Ben was out of the pod and the door closed back.

Ben kicked Vilgax in his squid face causing him to let go of the pod allowing it to blast off and leave the ship.

Hope and Gwen could only watch as Ben stayed behind with a smile on his, glad that he could at least save the two of them.

"You are truly foolish boy, now both of us will die together" said Vilgax.

"As least the universe would be free from a tyrant like you" said Ben enraging Vilgax immensely.

Vilgax then charged straight for him and hit him again and again, delivering blow after blow to Ben.

Vilgax finally stopped and picked Ben up, holding him by the head.

"How fitting the son dies in the hands of the same person that killed to father and the mother" said Vilgax.

Ben who was now severely beaten, covered in his on blood that sipped out of his many wounds looked at Vilgax and said, "I hope you burn in hell".

Vilgax's eyes then began to glow, about to fire a laser beam out of his eyes to end Ben once and for all when an energy beam out of now hits him causing him to let go of Ben.

Ben fell down to the ground, to wounded to get up and check who said him.

"You really are something kid" said a familiar voice.

Ben then saw a small creature make its way to him, it was Azmth.

"What are you doing here" asked Ben.

"I'm not entirely sure myself, I'm still thinking" said Azmth.

"Thinking about what exactly" asked Ben.

"Whether or not I should help you or leave you here to die with Vilgax" said Azmth.

Ben then smiled slightly before saying , "that's an easy decision to make. Let me die I deserve it after all. I used your greatest invention and turned it into a weapon of chaos and destruction".

"Yes you did" said Azmth as he took a deep breath.

Azmth then brought out a small, circle like device that had the symbol of the Omnitrix on it.

"Don't make me regret this kid" said Azmth as he jumped up to Ben's chest, removed the clothes that were covering his chest.

"Hey what are you...." Before Ben could even complete his sentence Azmth placed the device on his chest.

Then immediately Ben felt a surge of power he had never felt before flow through his entire body.

The device then fused with Ben's chest and very moment it did that it healed Ben's entire body.

"Be careful with this one and please try not to blow this one up like you did with the last one" said Azmth before he teleported away.

Ben the got up, confused and unable to understand what Azmth had done to him.

He looked at the device that was now on his chest, it greatly resembled his Omnitrix but didn't know what it was or it what it could do.

Then as if on cue Vilgax got to continue their fight, little did know Ben had a power that far surpassed him, the power of the Aphatrix.

Hey guys, I'm here with another chapter. Hope you like it. I figured it was time to introduce the Aphatrix which is kinda like the Omnitrix only with a few neat trick.
Anyway hope you love the chapter. Please vote, comment and check out my other books.

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