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After a few minutes of writing down ideas in her songbook, there was a knock at the door downstairs, and she quickly got up to reach the door before her mother. But when she had gotten down the stairs, she saw her mother already standing in front of the door, with her hand on the handle.

"Hello, y/n! Oh, wait. Midnight?!" Kaminari asked confused at who opened the door, as he was expecting y/n. "Yes, hello Kaminari and Jiro, what are you two doing at my house?" she asked with a stern voice. "Mom, stop being mean, you're scaring them," y/n said as she squeezed past her mom and smiled at the shocked Kaminari and Jiro. 

"Sorry, I think I forgot to tell you that my mom is Midnight?" y/n shrugged. "Nah, I don't know if you did or not, to be honest, I have bad memory sometimes," Kaminari shrugged. "Well, that's cool, I should have known, considering you have such similar quirks," Jiro said as she removed her shoes. 

When they got to her room, Jiro and y/n sat down in her bed, while Kaminari claimed the desk chair. "So Midnight is your mom, who's your dad? What's his quirk?" Kaminari asked as he fiddled with a pen he found on her desk. 

"Well, I don't know. I've never known my dad and my mom never wants to tell me anything about him," y/n said quietly so her mom wouldn't overhear. "Oh, I'm sorry for asking," Kaminari had a look of guilt on his face.

"No, no. It's fine. I rarely think about it, but after getting home I guess it's been bothering me a little more," y/n said, soon realizing her mistake. "Home? Where have you been?" Jiro asked. "Oh, um. In Europe," y/n didn't wanna lie. She didn't intend on telling anyone about her band and her touring, just because she wanted to make friends for real. Not just because she was famous. 

"Oh really? Where in Europe?" Kaminari asked, seeming excited. "Um, everywhere?" y/n had uncertainty in her voice, which Jiro picked up on. "That sounds cool! What is Europe like? What's your favorite place?" Jiro asked taking the attention away from the current situation. 

"Oh, France! I really loved their pancakes!" y/n beamed at the thought of the crepes she had when she was in France. "Wow, that's so cool, I need to try that once then," she smiled at y/n who gave her a grateful look. 

After a few hours of just chilling and talking about school and what they did the weeks before I started, Jiro looked at her phone and suddenly had to go. "Shit, I need to go. Family issue. You guys have fun, and I'll see yall tomorrow!" Jiro rushed out of the door, leaving y/n and Kaminari in awkward silence. 

"Soooo," y/n started, but Kaminari interrupted her when he picked up a stuffed animal from beside the pillow on the bed. "You sleep with a stuffed animal?" he asked while snickering. Y/n tried to grab the plushie, but Kaminari only held it higher. "That's cute," he giggled, which caused y/n to turn a deep red. 

"It's not cute, it's for my anxiety," she mumbled, but Kaminari heard what she said anyway. "You have anxiety?" he asked her as he sat down on the bed, examining the animal. Y/n looked at him, unsure if she wanted to confirm what she had already admitted.

"It's ok, I have anxiety too. I get really bad anxiety attacks sometimes, Jiro usually helps me out. She's really good at that kind of stuff," Kaminari smiled, trying to make y/n feel more comfortable. 

"So are you and Jiro a thing or something?" she asked Kaminari, who only laughed a little. "Nah, she's gay," he bluntly stated. "Oh, cool," y/n said jealous of the friendship they have. She's never had a real best friend before, even though she was very close to Ace and Hylow during the tour. 

"What about you?" she asked him. Kaminari straightened up and smirked at y/n. "What, you're asking about my sexuality?" he gave her a suspicious look. "Yeah, am I not allowed?" she asked.

Kaminari only shrugged his shoulders. "You're allowed. I'm kinda bicurious. How about you?" he asked and y/n thought about it for a second. "I don't know, I've never thought about it, to be honest. I guess I like guys," she thought aloud. "Only guys?" Kaminari pushed. "I don't know. Never had a crush on a girl before, but I wouldn't be against it if it happened," y/n admitted and Kaminari nodded, satisfied with her answer. 

"So what do you like to do? You know, for fun?" y/n asked and Kaminari smiled while fiddling with his fingers. "I like to do fun things. It changes quite often, to be honest with you. Sometimes video games are fun, sometimes binge-watching movies are fun, sometimes pranking people in class is fun, and mostly I just watch Jiro practice."

"Practice?" y/n was curious. "Yeah, she plays music and writes songs and stuff. It's kinda cool," Kaminari looked at y/n. "She keeps trying to get people to form a band with her, but she's still missing someone to play drums and sing. She asked me to sing, but I don't know. I don't feel confident," he chuckled. 

"Why not? You don't think you're any good?" she asked and he blushed slightly. "It's not that, it's just that I get anxiety from just thinking about singing in front of people," he rubbed his neck. "Would you sing for me? Sometime?" y/n asked Kaminari. 

He looked up at her, seeing how genuine she looked. She looked kinda pretty, with her pink hair tucked behind her ears. "Maybe," he simply said, feeling his cheeks heat. Y/n beamed at him, and he felt his heartbeat quicken. 

ChargeBolt (Denki Kaminari x fem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now