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"So we're all meeting after school today, at the mall?" Mina asked during class, wanting to make sure everyone was on the same page. Everyone except a few people agreed, and then they all went their separate ways to go home and get ready. 

"So how did it go?" Kyoka and Mina walked over to y/n's desk after class was dismissed. Mina seemed awfully curious about who y/n's father was, and how the meeting went, while Kyoka didn't really seem as curious. "It was not what I was expecting, that's for sure," y/n admitted, still feeling weird about the fact that Present Mic, or Hizashi Yamada was her father. 

"Tell me! Tell me!" Mina pressed, and y/n checked to see how many were left in the classroom. "I would tell you, but I don't want everyone in the class to know," y/n started, but Mina was quick to start kicking people out of the classroom. "So, you cool?" Kyoka asked while Mina was doing her thing. "I am, thanks for asking," y/n smiled at Kyoka as she sat down across from y/n. 

"I was thinking if you maybe wanted to sing a song or something together during karaoke tonight? It was fun when we sang together back when we first met, you know?" Kyoka suggested, and y/n loved the idea. She agreed that it had been fun, and it had brought back the joy she used to feel when she sang with her band. 

"That would be fun, sure," y/n smiled at Kyoka, and then Mina was suddenly back, looking expectantly at y/n. "Ok, fine. But it's weird, and you can't tell anyone, ok?" y/n warned, and Mina just nodded her head furiously. "Not even Denki?" Kyoka asked confused, and y/n just sighed. "Of course not, I'll tell him myself," y/n cleared, and took a deep breath before revealing her father. 

"It's Present Mic," she admitted, and Mina screamed. "I KNEW IT! HAHA!" Mina jumped around the classroom, punching her fist into the air in victory. "What? You knew?" y/n asked Mina as soon as she calmed down, and Kyoka avoided eye contact with y/n as if her life depended on it.

"You are keeping secrets from me," y/n said looking between the two. "Spill."

"So I may have overheard Mic and Midnight arguing in the teacher's lounge the other day," Kyoka admitted, still looking down at her hands instead of at y/n. "And she might have told me," Mina rubbed her neck nervously, feeling awkward about the situation. Y/n looked between the two before she burst out laughing.

"What's funny?" Kyoka asked, finally looking up at y/n. "This is so funny, I'm not even mad you didn't tell me," y/n said between her laughs. "I can only imagine you two were shocked about it," y/n wiped a tear from her eye.

"Well we weren't sure if she heard correctly, but we were shocked, obviously!" Mina said, a little less awkward about the situation now that she knew y/n wasn't mad.

"Anyway, I would love to continue this conversation, but if we're going to the mall and having karaoke tonight, I need to get home and change out of my uniform," y/n said while putting her notebooks away and closing up her backpack. "Oh right! I'll text the group chat where we're meeting up!" Mina smiled before jumping out of her seat.

 "Ok!" y/n responded, and they all went home.

"Hey sweety, how are you feeling?" Nemuri asked y/n as he walked down from her room after changing out of her uniform. Nemuri had made some food for y/n to eat before she drove her to the mall, and y/n didn't even realize how hungry she was before she sat down in front of the bowl of ramen, and her stomach growled.

"I'm good, the whole thing with Mic feels weird," y/n admitted, and Nemuri chuckled a little. "I do have to admit, it feels weird for me too. But you should call him Hizashi, you can't refer to your own father by his hero name, you know?" Nemuri suggested, making y/n feel even weirder about the whole situation. 

"I know, it just feels more natural for me to call him Present Mic. But I'll work on it," y/n said before slurping some ramen. She made some more small talk with her mom while she ate, and then it was time to go. "Where are you meeting them?" Nemuri asked as they were driving from their house. "I don't know, I'll check the chat," y/n pulled up her phone, and opened the group chat to see if Mina had texted them. 

Let's all meet by the ice cream place at the mall, ok? Mina had written in the chat a few minutes ago, and okey's and sure's were filling the chat. "The ice cream place," y/n told her mom, who nodded before turning on the radio. Y/n felt a lump form in her throat when she noticed that her mother hadn't turned on the radio, but instead put on her ThunderShock album.

"Do you mind?" Nemuri asked when she sensed y/n's unease, but y/n just shook her head. "No, sorry. It just feels weird to not be able to perform again, you know?" "I get that, it's a bit thing that you have to leave behind. It's normal to get upset over it," Nemuri said while keeping her eyes on the road. 

"It's not just that, but I have such negative associations with the band now because of them," y/n said, not wanting to say Ace and Hyloww's name. "That is also understandable. You just need some time to reflect and to sort through your feelings, I'm sure you'll figure it out," Nemuri smiled at y/n as she stopped her car. 

"We're here!" Nemuri said. "Have fun, ok?" she said while y/n was unbuckling her seatbelt and opening the door. "Thanks, mom." "And call me when you need to be picked up after karaoke!" she yelled after y/n, who responded with an "I will," before she closed the door and made her way over to the entrance to the mall. 

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