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It was the first day of internships, and y/n was sitting in her kitchen eating breakfast alone. Mina had created a group chat where they all could keep each other updated during internships, and everyone had talked about how excited they were earlier that day. Though y/n had woken up much later than her classmates, due to her starting after school ends. She woke up to a very long chat log, that she was now reading through while stuffing her mouth with cereal. 

Nemuri had already left for work, and y/n was just waiting for time to pass by. After finishing her food, she looked at the clock and decided to head over to the school. Mic wanted her to show up a little earlier, as he wanted to go over a few things before they left for patrolling. 

Y/n decided to respond to the group chat while she walked down to the station since some of them had asked why she wasn't responding. 

Sorry, I haven't responded, I don't start my internship until later in the day, so I didn't see it until now:) I hope you're all having a great time! 

Mina: Oh! That's right! You're interning with Present Mic arent you?

Katsuki: Ha! She's so shitty that none of the heroes wanted her, so the teachers had to take her XD

Izuku: That's not true, don't be mean Kachan


Eijiro: They're even arguing over text...

Yeah, well Mic wanted to work more on my quirk, so we all figured it was the best idea

Mina: That's so cool! Can't wait to see the progress you've all made when we get back from internships!

"Oh, look! It's that girl from UA! I saw her at the sports festival!" some younger girls whispered as y/n walked past them. She looked up and smiled at them, and they snorted when they realized she had overheard them. "She's so full of herself," one of them laughed. "Yeah, just because she's a rockstar," the other joined in.

What? y/n thought to herself as she felt a lump form in her throat. Ever since that interview aired, she had been overhearing people making comments about her ego. If it were any other person it probably wouldn't affect them as much as it affected y/n, but her past came back to her whenever someone made those remarks. 

1 year ago

"Ha, you think you're something special? Just because you're going on tour?" a girl from y/n's class laughed at her. School had just finished for the day, and the teacher had announced to the class that y/n would be ending the school year earlier, and finish online due to going on tour with her band, and her classmates did not take it kindly. 

"I really don't think I'm better than anyone," y/n defended herself. Ever since she started her band, she and her bandmates had been harassed by the other kids at school. Hyloww and Ace were two years younger than y/n, so she didn't get to stick up for them when they were being picked on in class, but during lunch y/n always took the heat.

"You do realize that nobody is there to see you guys play? You're just the warm-up," another kid snorted at y/n. She tried pushing through everyone to get to the door, but she failed miserably. "What's the problem? Are you too cool to talk to normal people just us now?" someone pushed her back into the classroom.

"Can you leave me alone?"  y/n yelled at them, now furious. "Leave you? Oh, you mean like your dad did?" someone laughed, but y/n felt her face freeze. "Oh, I see! That's why you're doing this! SO that your daddy will see you on tv and maybe think you're worth something!" someone else joined in. 

ChargeBolt (Denki Kaminari x fem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now