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"And then, I was all hardened and stuff, and I managed to scrape up my dad's car! I was grounded for months, and had to paint the whole house," Kirishima laughed as y/n walked into the classroom. They had a few days off after the festival, and y/n was looking forward to seeing everyone again. She had been lonely. She hadn't heard anything from Kyoka either after she went home that day. But she just figured everyone was tired. She sure was. 

"My twin!" she heard Mina yell from where she was sitting next to the others listening to Kirishima's story. "Hello, what are you all talking about?" she asked as she walked over and took a seat. "I'm just telling a story from when I was younger, how are you today?" Kiri smiled at y/n. "I'm good, thanks!" she laughed. 

"Where's Bakugo anyway? Isn't he usually one of the first ones to get to class?" y/n asked as she looked around the room. She would usually always hear him before she even got through the door, but today was unusually quiet. "Oh, I think he's feeling a little off about what happened at the festival. I'm sure you heard about him," Denki said from behind Mina, and y/n felt her lips tug into a small smile as she remembered her last time with him, during the festival.

"Oh, that's not good, is he alright?" y/n leaned her elbows on the table as she spoke. "Yeah, he's just struggling with his confidence a little," Kirishima smiled, right before his face was pushed into the desk. Not hard enough to break his nose, but hard enough to make a sound. 

"Shut the fuck up, shitty hair," Bakugo growled from behind him, before letting o of Kirishima's head and walking over to his won desk and sitting down. He almost threw his bag on the floor and sat down so hard the chair creaked. "He's really not having a good day," Kyoka snickered behind her hand, afraid he would hear her and make an even more of a scene. 

"Alright class," Aizawa spoke as he stood up from the floor, and peeled his yellow sleeping bag off his body. He started talking about hero names, and I knew where this was going. And sure enough, after he had talked about the names, and who was scouted by the most hero agencies, she heard her mother speak from the doorway. 

She slammed her face into the table, and she could hear the class making comments about her mother's outfit and looks, and she had never wanted to sink further into the soil of the earth. Midnight's voice was muffled as she went on about how important it was to choose a good name, and y/n didn't need to pay attention to that anyway. Being the daughter of a pro hero AND a teacher, she had heard this talk multiple times since she decided she wanted to become a hero herself. 

"Let's get to thinking, shall we? Write your names down on these whiteboards, and we'll share them with the class when we're done," she explained while she walked around, handing out the boards. Midnight stopped in front of y/n and bent down at her level. "Sorry for embarrassing you sweety, I could see your red face all the way from the front of the classroom," Midnight chuckled ass he stroked y/n's hair. "Are you sticking with the name you told me before?" she asked and y/n simply nodded, too embarrassed to either look up from the desk or even speak. 

"Good, it's a nice name," she said before continuing to hand out whiteboards. "You already have a name?" Denki asked from his seat but was quickly shushed at by Iida. Y/n chuckled to herself as she looked down at her board, and scribbled down her hero name. 

After a short while, Midnight cleared her throat to get everyone's attention and asked if they were all ready to share their names. They all went up one after another to share their names, and there were some good, and some bad. Deku, Pinky, Froppy, Red Riot, King Explosion Murder, Charge Bolt, Creati. 

"Y/n, why don't you come to share yours?" Midnight asked her and she just stood up from her seat and grabbed her board. "The song hero: Siren," she simply read out from her board, and the class ooo'd and aaaaaa'd in response. "That's a very good name," Midnight praised her, and she tried to smile from the way her mother was trying to make her feel less embarrassed. "Thank you," y/n nodded before walking back to her seat.

After class was done, Denki had quickly run over to her desk and sat down in front of y/n, just staring at her. "Can I help you with something?" she chuckled and he snapped out of his thoughts. "Sorry, yes you can!" he grinned. 

"I wanna hang out today!" he smiled. "Oh, you do?" she asked sarcastically. "Yeah, you know, before we leave for our internships," he placed his head in the palm of his hand. "Oh, that's right," y/n had forgotten about that for a second. 

"That's gonna be a lonely week," she thought aloud. "It is, that's why we should hang out," he grinned again, and y/n chuckled at his behavior. "Sure, we can hang out. Where do you wanna hang out?" she asked and he looked up at her surprised. "Wait what? You actually wanna hang out?" he asked and y/n nodded her head. "Just you and me?" she nodded again. "Like a date?" he grinned, and y/n was the one to short circuit. 

"Kaminari! You broke her, what the heck did you do!" Mina cried as she placed her hands on each side of y/n's face. "Nothing," he panicked as he stood up, and walked around the desk to get a better look at y/n. "Are you ok?" Mina asked as she placed her wrist against y/n's forehead, and y/n just gave her a thumbs up.

"Your stupidity is contagious Kaminari, don't you dare drag her down to your stupid level," they heard Bakugo speak from behind them before he left the classroom to go get lunch. "Rude," Kaminari cried. 

ChargeBolt (Denki Kaminari x fem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now