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A/N: I just wanted to clear some things up, as I have seen a few comments about the names! In Japanese, they say their family name first! So Denki Kaminari, in Japanese would be Kaminari Denki since his family name comes first. But Kaminari is his family name, and Denki is his first name. Same with Ashido, Kirishima, Aizawa, etc. Hope this clears up some things!

The class of 1A were sitting on the bus to the summer camp. Ever since the karaoke night, y/n had been way more nervous than usual around Denki, because of what Kyoka had said. Y/n had also been staying away from Kyoka, purely out of guilt. So she was sitting by herself on the bus, as Denki was sitting with Kyoka, Mina was sitting with Sero, and Kirishima was sitting with Bakugo. 

Y/n had her earbuds in during the whole ride, listening to sad heartbreak songs. The press had still not calmed down with the drug accusations, or the bad behavior on tour, but y/n had reached to point where she did not give a shit. She had realized over the past few days just how much she crushed on Denki, and she felt the butterflies in her stomach every time she thought about him. She also wanted to throw up. 

The bus eventually stopped, and they all walked out for a break. Y/n stretched her legs when she walked off of the bus, and stretched her arms wide, taking a deep breath of fresh air. "Why are you sitting alone?" someone asked, and y/n turned around to face Mina. "Oh, no reason," y/n said, but Kyoka came over and whispered something in Mina's ear. Mina's face lit up before she wiggled her eyebrows at y/n. 

"Oh, you're avoiding Denki? If you like him, avoiding him isn't really gonna help your situation," Mina said, and y/n quickly covered her mouth with her hand. "Shut up! He might hear you!" she stressed, and Kyoka chuckled. "I talked with him during the whole ride here, he feels the same way, so don't stress it, ok?" Kyoka said, trying to calm y/n down. "I know he does, you told me! But it just makes me feel even more nervous, and I don't know why," y/n complained, and looked around where they were standing to make sure Denki wasn't anywhere near. 

"Well, just try to talk to him, ok?" Kyoka almost begged, and y/n gave her a pained look. "Do I have to?" "Yes!" both Mina and Kyoka said at the same time, causing y/n to groan in annoyance. 

Aizawa cleared his throat, before announcing the arrival of The Pussycats, who would oversee and help out with the training camp. The time from when Aizawa started speaking to when the ground disappeared underneath y/n's feet, went by in a blur. 

Y/n found herself falling down, her butt crashing against the gravel landslide underneath her, earning herself a nasty bruise. "Y/n! Are you ok?" Denki asked as he ran over, as soon as they all had reached the bottom. "I think so," y/n said as she grabbed his hand, letting him pull her up. When she got up though, she found herself standing directly in front of Denki, chests almost touching. They both pulled away awkwardly before the other students around them started speaking, giving them both an escape from the awkward situation. 

Huge dirt monsters rose from the ground, surprising everyone. The other students started immediately fighting off the monsters, but y/n had been so lost in her thoughts and been too aware of Denki's presence that she hadn't paid attention. 

Fuck, she thought before running into the forest after her classmates. She tried to pick out what frequency the monster had, so she could crush it with her voice. She looked around to see if those around her were doing ok, when she noticed Denki climbing one of the monsters, before sending 1.3 million volts through the beast, frying the dirt it was made of. 

But of course, that left Denki short circuit, so y/n had to run over and make sure he was ok. He stuck out his thumbs, letting y/n know he was ok before he started walking over to her. "Do you think you can keep up with me?" y/n asked, and Denki nodded his head while drooling a little. 

He wasn't completely fried, which was good. Because y/n didn't have time to babysit him now, she needed to fight the monsters, so she could get back to camp. She tested out a few frequencies with her voice until she felt the ground vibrate a little. "Perfect," she said as she ran deeper into the forest, finding a group of three monsters, circling one of her classmates. 

She let out a loud note, in the frequency she had earlier, and the monsters crumbled to the ground. "Damn, that was impressive," y/n admitted to herself while walking over to Mina, who thanked y/n for saving her ass. 

They made their way through the forest rather quickly, Denki having gotten back to himself only thirty minutes after he short-circuited. They ate dinner before they all decided to go take a bath in the hot springs. 

Y/n didn't say much, as her thoughts were on the fact that Denki was in the hot spring next to them, without any clothing, and they were only separated by a thin wall. "Y/n? You look red," Uraraka pointed out, causing y/n's face to get even redder. "It's the heat of the water," she lied, but Uraraka bought it. That is until Mina came over and spilled the tea. "You're thinking about Denki!" she laughed, and y/n grabbed her shoulders and pushed her underwater. 

"Shut up! He can hear you!" she shushed Mina after she pulled back up from the water. "But he already knows you like him!" she said, earning herself a slap from Kyoka. "You weren't supposed to say that!" Kyoka scolded Mina, who backed off, embarrassed of herself. "What?" y/n's face went paler than snow, as she looked over at Kyoka. "Did you tell him?" she asked her, her voice too calm for Kyoka's liking. 

"Well, he asked about it on the bus, because he was scared you hated him or something since you hadn't talked to him since the karaoke," Kyoka rubbed her arms nervously, feeling ashamed that she didn't keep y/n's secret. "I just told him that you liked him so that he wouldn't be so sad." 

"I trusted you, but since you're gonna spill my secrets, I might as well tell Yaoyorozu that you like her," y/n said while getting out of the bath, wrapping the towel around herself. "What? No, I don't?" Kyoka argued, but y/n turned to look at her before she scoffed. "Yeah, you do. That's why you tried to convince yourself that you liked me because you wanted to get over your crush on Yaoyorozu. I'm not stupid," y/n said before she left.

She felt embarrassed and stupid. She quickly got dressed before making her way back to the rooms, and she went to bed early. 

ChargeBolt (Denki Kaminari x fem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now