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"Y/n! Is it true what they wrote in that article?"
"Did you do drugs while you were in Europe?"
"What do your classmates think of your past?"
"How can you expect people to trust you as a hero after reading that article?"
"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!"

Y/n covered her ears as she and Denki tried to get past the reporters who were waiting for her outside UA. Denki held y/n's hand as he pushed through the sea of people, while y/n followed after him, trying her best to sink as far into her own mind as she could, turning the voices into muffled noise.

"Y/n?" Denki asked her as they had managed to get away, and they were now standing behind a big container in an alleyway. Y/n looked at Denki as if he were miles away from her, and he got worried for her. He pulled his phone out and texted his mother, asking if she could come and pick them up there so they didn't have to go out and risk being chased by reporters again.

"Y/n, please look at me?" he asked her calmly after pressing send and putting his phone back into his pocket. "I'm so sorry, I ruined everything," y/n said, still a distant look on her face. "Ruined what?" Denki asked still holding his hand on y/n's arm, letting her know he was there.

"The press keeps twisting the truth and making up shit that isn't even true. But since they mix it with what is true, people believe it. I did drink when I was in countries where you could legally drink at 16, I never broke any rules, but they are still twisting it! I never did any drugs, I've never gotten into a fight as they said, I don't know what to do Denki, they all hate me now," she broke down again. 

"And I keep breaking down and crying! How can I even dream of becoming a hero when I act like this, I'm a weak mess," she hid her face behind her hands, not wanting him to see her cry anymore.

"You're not a weak mess, you're just going through a lot right now," he tried to comfort her, but he wasn't very good with words. So he did what he did best, and gave her a hug. He felt his heartbeat quicken slightly as she buried her face into his chest. 

He had the biggest crush on y/n, and that crush started the first time she stood up for him. Nobody had ever stood up for him when he short-circuited, and it meant a lot to him to have someone he could trust like that. He wanted badly to be of help to y/n the same way she has been of help to him. 

"I'm sorry," she mumbled into his shirt. "Don't be sorry," he placed his hand on the back of her head, trying to make her feel safe. He held her close until he heard a car stop next to the alleyway, followed by a honk he recognized as his mother. 

"Come on, let's get into the car," he spoke softly, leading y/n towards the car, before helping her in before sitting in the backseat with her. "Do you mind telling me why I have to pick you up from an alleyway after school?" his mother asked while turning around before she noticed the depressed girl sitting next to him. Her eyes widened in shock before a smirk found its way onto her face. Denki gave her a stern 'not now' look, and she pouted before she turned around and drove off. 

"What's your name sweety?" his mother asked while keeping her eyes on the road. Y/n found it hard to gather her thoughts and focus, but she managed to say her name. "Y/n Kayama," she simply answered, causing Denki's mother to look at her in the rear-view mirror. "Midnight's kid?" she asked and y/n nodded. She had almost forgotten that Denki told her that his mother was also a pro hero.

They drove the rest of the way in silence, nobody saying anything until they pulled up into the driveway. "I'll help you," Denki opened the door before running around to y/n side, opening her door for her. His mother stood by the car and silently observed her son's behavior, taking notes so she could tease him about it later. 

"I'm just gonna speak with my mom for a second, my room is the first door up the stairs. I'll come up in a few minutes, ok?" Denki motioned to the stairs leading up to the second floor, and y/n just nodded before taking off her shoes and dragging her feet up the stairs. 

"So?" his mother crossed her arms across her chest and stared down at his son after she heard the door to his room shut. "Listen," Denki started before he explained everything to his mother. About the situation with y/n's family situations, about y/n's friends being villains, about the article, and about everything he knew of. His mother had a sympathetic look on her face before she sat down to think. 

"She can't stay here forever Denki, Nemuri is probably worried sick," his mother said. "I know, but she just needs a little time," he pleaded. "She can stay here for a few days, but I'm calling her mother," she said and Denki nodded. "Thank you, I'll get the guest room ready," Denki said while grinning in happiness. "No, go keep her company. She looks like she needs it. I'll get the room ready later," his mother waved him off before picking up her phone and searching through her contacts to find Nemuri Kayama. 

Denki flew up the stairs, and slowly knocked on his bedroom door before opening it. "You doing ok?" he asked as he closed the door behind himself. "I feel empty inside," y/n said as she sat cross-legged on his bed. Denki had to fight off the inappropriate thought that came creeping as he saw her on his bed. "Do you wanna borrow a hoodie or something? So you don't have to wear the uncomfortable school uniform," he asked her, honestly expecting her to say no, so he was a little surprised when she nodded her head. 

"Oh, ok!" he freaked out a little before looking through his closet to find a hoodie. He pulled out a yellow Pikachu hoodie, choosing that one just because she would look cute in it. "You can change in here, I'll just walk outside," he said before walking outside and closing the door. He was fidgeting with his phone while waiting, suddenly feeling nervous. He had never had a girl over before! Except for Jiro, but that didn't count. "I'm done," y/n spoke softly from the other side of the door, causing Denki to jump, as he was lost in his own mind.

"So anything you wanna do?" he asked her as he walked in, almost choking on his words as he saw her tiny form sitting on his bed, legs still crossed, almost drowning in his Pikachu hoodie. Denki usually bought his hoodies a few sizes too big, cause he liked the comfort of bigger hoodies. But y/n was almost disappearing in the mound of fabric surrounding her. 

"Can we watch a Disney movie? That usually helps me feel better," she mumbled, Denki grabbing the remote to the tv he had in his bedroom before she could even finish her sentence. "Of course! Any particular movie you want to watch?" he asked as he sat down on the bed, a good distance from y/n. "Beauty and the Beast," she muttered quietly while looking at Denki. 

He found the movie and put it on, leaning against the wall, sitting awkwardly on the opposite end of the bed. Y/n's eyes were glued to the screen, and she quietly sang along to every single song in the movie, causing Denki to blush at how cute she was. She didn't make his crush any easier to deal with.

"You told me you maybe would sing for me sometime," y/n suddenly said, for the first time since the movie started 30 minutes ago. "I did," Denki said, scared of where she was going with this. "I think that sounds like a romantic thing," she said while looking at the movie. "Why?" Denki said while looking at her smiling at the tv. "I don't know. You told me you were scared of singing in front of anyone, and I think it would be special if I were the first to hear you sing," she thought aloud. "I don't know, it's stupid," she said before burying her face into the hoodie, disappearing from Denki's sight.

The movie went on for a little longer before y/n got uncomfortable. "Denki? Can I sit next to you?" she asked carefully from inside the hoodie. "Eh? Um, sure!" Denki said, his voice cracking at the end from his nervousness. Y/n crawled over to him, and sat down next to him, snuggling against him and leaning her head on his shoulder. Denki was holding his breath, scared that if he breathed she would either get uncomfortable or even disappear altogether. 

"I'm glad you're my friend Denki," she said before going back to watching the movie. But Denki had no interest in the movie anymore, as his heart was shattered. He had thought that maybe he could shoot his shot and ask her out, but she only saw him as a friend. And he didn't wanna ruin their friendship, so he decided to bury his feeling deep deep deep down. 

ChargeBolt (Denki Kaminari x fem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now