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A/N: Firstly I just wanted to thank you all for the love and support for this story! Since Christmas is coming up, I will be taking a short break from writing. Just for a week, so if I don't post in a while that's why! I haven't abandoned the story! 

And also, I know this is an x reader, but since you're Midnight and Mic's kid, your look like them, makes sense? If it bothers you, just feel free to change it up in your head, but you will be blonde! Now back to the story <3

It was y/n's first day back to school after the incident, and she was nervous. The traumatic experience made her realize her weakness, and that she needed to become stronger. A lot stronger. She had stripped the pink dye from her hair, and her blond hair was now on full display. 

She had hoped it would make the public see her as y/n, and not the vocalist from ThunderShock, but also because she wanted a fresh start. She stood outside the door to her classroom gathering the courage to enter. 

"Miss Kayama, it's good to have you back," Aizawa spoke from behind her, causing her to jump in surprise. "Sorry about that," he smiled at her before placing his hand on the door but hesitating to open it. "Your hair is blonde," he noticed. "Fresh start I guess." He nodded before opening the door. 

The room filled with many mumbled greetings to the teacher, but their interest soon peaked when they saw y/n walk in as well. Aizawa noticed that they were about to bombard her with questions, and decided to do y/n a favor and stop them before they drowned her.

"As we all know, y/n had been through a lot. So I suggest we give her some space," he said firmly, causing the class to sit back down in silence. Y/n have Aizawa a thankful smile and he nodded back in understanding. 

They went on with their class, talking about the exams that were coming up shortly, but y/n paid more attention now than ever before. They were sent to the gym to practice their quirks, but y/n was sent to the music room to work with Mic.

She sat there in silence thinking about the conversation she had had with her mother a week ago. They didn't talk to each other since then, only the necessary conversations. Are you ready for school? Food's ready! I'm home. Etc. 

The word that was burned into her mind was mistake. She knew deep down that her mother didn't mean it like that, but the word still lingered. 

"Y/n, how are you feeling?" someone asked her snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see Present Mic standing in the doorway to the music room. "Good," she simply said, not wanting to go into detail. 

They started with some easy warm-ups before Mic went to explain something he wanted to try with her quirk. 

"So I'll hit these different objects, and I want you to try and sing in the same frequency as the object. Do you think you could try that?" he asked and she looked at him confused. She had never used her quirk for anything like that before, but she was willing to try. Anything to become stronger. She nodded her head.

Mic grabbed a glass. A very thin, tall wine glass, and he flicked the glass, making a ding sound. "Could you recreate the exact sound?" he asked and y/n cleared her throat, singing a steady note, adjusting the tone until it matched the glass' ding. "Ok, now put more power into your voice," he motioned for her to continue, and she did. And after a few seconds, the glass cracked.

Y/n stopped singing in shock, and she looked from the glass to Mic, who had a happy look on his face. "Omg, how did I do that?" her jaw dropped in the realization of this new part of her quirk. "My guess is that it's from your father," he smiled and y/n felt her face fall slightly. 

"Something wrong?" he asked her. "No, sorry. Don't worry," she put on her happy face again so he wouldn't worry. "Something's bothering you, clearly. You can talk to me you know, is it about the incident?" he asked and y/n sighed before giving in. Her face dropped as her mother's words swam in the back of her mind. 

"No, it's my mother. About a week ago I asked about Doku, you know, my half-brother that kidnapped me. And since she told me about him I thought I'd try asking about my father again. But. She told me I was a mistake and that she left my father without him even knowing I existed. It just makes me feel sick," she rambled on and on, not realizing she was crying. 

"Y/n, I know your mother didn't mean what she said. That you're a mistake, I mean. I know your mother well, and I know that she loves you very much!" Mic tried to comfort her, but he realized that she needed a friend. He took out his phone and texted Aizawa, and told him to send y/n's friends to the music room. 

"And I'm sure your father if he got to know you, would love you very much too," he continued, Midnight's words lingering in his own mind. That y/n was his daughter. But he couldn't tell her that. Reason number one, she had just been through a traumatic experience, finding out about a brother she didn't know she ever had, and number two, Midnight threatened to cut off his balls if he said anything without her permission. And even though he was furious at her for keeping this from him, he would still respect her wish. 

After crying for 10 minutes, the doors to the music room opened slightly and three students carefully poked their heads in. "It's alright, come in," Mic looked over to the students, and Mina, Kyoka, and Denki carefully entered the classroom. "Y/n?" Mina asked, careful not to scare her. 

Once y/n looked up and they all saw her red face, covered in tears and snot, they all rushed over and engulfed her in a group hug, not letting her feel alone for one single second. "Take care of her, ok? I'll be back in a second," Mic asked the three of them, who nodded softly.

Mic then walked out of the room and made his way to the teacher's lounge. He knew that Midnight didn't have any classes at the moment, and he had some things he would like to say to her. 

ChargeBolt (Denki Kaminari x fem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now