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Denki had been sitting at y/n's bedside all night, waiting for her to wake up. She had been there for a week without anyone being allowed to see her, as she was going through rough treatment to get the poison out of her system, and she needed a lot of rest. 

They had just finished the last round yesterday and had concluded that she was now poison-free. But her face still had blue vein-like scars going from the left side of her neck, up her jaw, and spreading slightly across her cheek. It looked almost like art, but it made Denki feel a lump form in his stomach. 

She was stirring in her sleep, mumbling and scrunching her face in discomfort. Denki didn't know if she was having a nightmare or if she was in pain. Then she suddenly sat up in her bed with a loud gasp, her eyes darting around the room to see where she was. The last time she had been awake was when she was still tied to that chair. So she was probably disorientated. 

"Y/n, calm down, you're at the hospital. You're safe," Denki grabbed her arms trying to calm her. "Ace, Hyloww, Doku," she muttered as she panicked. "They got away. But they're working on tracking them down now, they won't get you again," Denki rubbed his hand up and down her back comfortingly. 

"I thought I died. It felt like I died when I was there," y/n spoke, her voice quiet and weak. She lifted a hand to touch her face, Denki frowning at how weak she looked. "You didn't," he simply said. "The heroes came right after you passed out," he explained and y/n nodded.

"I need some space, I need to think," she then said and Denki raised his eyebrows, feeling slightly hurt that she was kicking him out. "Sorry," she then said, as she must have noticed his reaction. A stupid reaction, because he understood deep down that she had been through a lot, and that she would need time and space to get through it.

"Sure, just let me know when you wanna talk. I have something I need to speak to you about anyway," he smiled before giving her hand a careful squeeze as he stood up from his chair. "See you Denki," she smiled. "See you."

When Denki left, y/n felt back asleep and stayed asleep for almost two days straight, only waking up when the doctors were doing tests on her. She was cleared to go home after those two days and needed to stay home and rest for two weeks before she was allowed to go back to school.

During those two weeks, she did a lot of reflecting, and she realized that she felt extreme guilt. Now that she knew that her old friends were villains and that they were after her, wanting to kill her, she knew that she would only put her classmates in danger. She was weak. She knew she was, and she would not let her friends get hurt because of that. 

One night after staying home for a week, she walked down into the kitchen to confront her mother. "Tell me about Doku," she simply ordered as she stood in the entrance to the kitchen. She was done with asking, because every time she had asked her mother to tell her about something about her past, she would refuse. But this, this was y/n's problem now too, considering that Doku was also after her, probably wanting to kill her as well. 

Her mother let out a sigh before sitting down at the table, motioning for y/n to sit as well. "I owe you an explanation."

"About half a year after I had you, I was in a relationship with someone. I was not living close to here, as I moved there when I found out I was pregnant with you. But this man tricked me into getting pregnant again. It hadn't been a full year since I had you, and I was exhausted. But I wasn't gonna abandon my child, so I decided to keep it," Nemuri explained as she moved her hands around in a nervous manner. 

"What do you mean he tricked you?" y/n asked. "He sabotaged the protection we used." "Oh." "The pregnancy was normal, and everything went as it should until I had given birth. He cried when he came out as any baby should, but when he was taken away to be examined, I never saw him again. They said that the baby had stopped breathing during the exam and that they had tried to resuscitate him, but they had failed. They told me that he had died."

"When I asked to see him one last time, my then-boyfriend advice me not to, as it would cause me too much stress. And since I had just gone through labor, I needed to rest. Which I was not able to do, since I just lost my child."

"Why did you never tell me about that?" y/n asked her mother, still in shock that she actually had a brother. "I already had to put you through the problems of not having a father in your life, I didn't wanna throw this on you as well. I planned to tell you when you were older, but I guess I never got the chance," Nemuri said looking down in defeat. 

"So we don't have the same father?" "No." "Who is my father, I wanna make my quirk stronger, but I can't do that without knowing my father's quirk," y/n pushed, knowing well she wasn't gonna get an answer. But she was hoping that since her mother had already admitted to one secret of the past, that she might admit to another. And considering that she almost lost y/n, maybe she would be more open. 

"I can't tell you," she simply said. "Why not? Does he hate me that much?" y/n cried. "No y/n, he doesn't even know you exist!" Nemuri yelled, her eyes glossing over. "What?" y/n breathed out, not believing what her mother just said. "We hooked up when I was 16, I panicked and left as soon as I found out! I didn't want to ruin his youth with this stupid thing, it was a mistake! And when I came back here, I just didn't tell him you were his," Nemuri let her tears spill. 

But y/n just looked down at her lap, not crying anymore. "A mistake? Am I just a mistake?" she muttered holding back tears. "No that's not what I meant," Nemuri tried to reach over to comfort her daughter. "You said it anyway. It was a mistake, and you didn't want to ruin his life. Do you think I would have ruined his life? Did I ruin your life?" she let her tears fall as she stood up. 

"Y/n!" Nemuri pleaded. "No. Shut up, I don't wanna hear anything from you!" she said calmly as she went up to her room and locked herself inside. 

ChargeBolt (Denki Kaminari x fem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now