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If anyone noticed Denki and y/n holding hands on their way over to the bonfire, nobody said anything about it. They sat down next to each other, letting go of their hands in order to grab a cup of hot chocolate each, given to them by Mina. 

"Thank you," y/n smiled as she took her cup, before bringing it up to her lips, blowing on it before she carefully took a sip, testing the temperature. "So who wants to go first?" Mina asked the group, and y/n took the time to look around to see who was there. "Me!" Sero said eagerly as he raised his hand in the air. 

Everyone in class was there, but not all of them were participating in the game, so they just sat outside the ring, talking amongst themselves. "So, Mina! Truth or dare?" Sero asked, smirking at Mina. "Um, truth." "Who is the most attractive girl in 1A?"

Mina chuckled before she gave Sero a are you serious look. "That's easy, y/n." "What?" y/n almost choked on her drink. "Come on, you have good genes!" Mina laughed at y/n, who was turning red. Partly from the compliment, but also from getting hot chocolate in her airways. 

"Thanks?" "No probs!" So Kirishima, truth or dare?" Mina asked. "Dare," he answered confidently but quickly lost his confidence when Mina smirked evilly at him. "You have to put on this blindfold, and we will choose a person to stand in front of you, and you have to touch them and try to guess who they are." 

"Really?" he asked, already feeling embarrassed about it. "Yupp," Mina said as she handed him a scarf. "Where did you get that from?" "I will never start a game of truth and dare without being prepared," Mina said proudly while helping Kirishima tie it around his head. 

"Now, hold your hands over your ears, while we pick a person," Mina instructed, and he did as told and placed his hands over his ears. Mina looked at Bakugo and waved him over, to which he completely refused. 

"It's either you, or we make Kirishima touch Midoriya," Mina whispered in a threatening manner, and Bakugo's face turned red before he stood up, and angrily mouthed "I'll kill you" to Mina as he walked over. Mina touched Kirishima on the arm slightly, letting him know he could remove his hands. "Now, they are standing in front of you, so try and guess who they are," Mina said as she walked back to her seat. 

"Ok, um..." Kirishima brought his hands up to Bakugo's chest, and felt around for a bit, before moving his hands up to his face. He touched around the face for a moment, Bakugo getting more and more irritated for each passing second. Kirishima finally got to his hair, and immediately his face turned red. "Um, Bakugo," he guesses, and when Mina congratulated him on being correct, Bakugo made his way over to her, intending to keep his promise about killing her. 

"Please don't murder your classmate Bakugo!" Iida yelled at Bakugo, who only flipped him the bird. "Bakugo, please, just come sit down again," Kirishima begged, already embarrassed about the situation, wanting to continue with the game, and forgetting about him feeling up Bakugo in front of the entire class. 

"Fine, but I'll destroy you in training tomorrow," Bakugo growled at Mina, who shook a little. "Midoriya, truth or dare?" Kirishima asked when Bakugo had sat down again. "Oh, um... truth I guess," he responded, getting nervous. "Who do you think has the strongest quirk in our class?" he immediately regretted his question when Midoriya started mumbling to himself, going over everyone's quirk in the class. "It's not that serious man, just pick one," Sero laughed, causing Midoriya to stop his rambling and look up at him, red of embarrassment. "I'm sorry."

"I think maybe Yaoyorozu's quirk, considering all the things she can do with it. It's almost good in every situation," he concluded, causing Yaoyorozu to blush at the compliment. "Thank you."

"Bakugo, truth or dare?" "I'm not playing your stupid game, nerd!" he yelled, and Midoriya quickly looked around to find someone else to ask. "Y/N! TRUTH OR DARE?" he asked terrified of the angry Bakugo sitting next to her. 

"Truth." "Who's your father?" he asked, and y/n was shocked at the question. "Sorry! You don't need to answer if you don't want to, I just overheard you talking about how you recently found out who your father was, and I was curious. You don't need to answer if you..." "No, it's fine. I was just a little shocked. It's present Mic," she said, causing everyone in class to gasp. "Yeah, yeah. Don't make a big deal of it, please?" 

"Sero, truth or dare?" she then asked, shifting the focus from her father, to Sero. "Dare, obviously," he said cockily. "Kiss the finest girl in class then, if you're so cocky," y/n smirked, and Sero's face flashed with nerves for a second, before his chill facade was back. 

"Easy," he turned and grabbed Mina's face, giving her a second to pull away if she didn't want to kiss him, but when she didn't object to it, he leaned in and kissed her, rather passionately for a dare, but she didn't seem to mind. "Woah!" both y/n and Kyoka gasped, and Kirishima muttered "that's manly" to himself.

"You look like you liked that too much bro," Kyoka teased Sero, who laughed in response. "Bet you would like to kiss Yaoyorozu just as much, am I wrong?" "I... U..." Kyoka panicked. "Yeah, didn't y/n say you liked her?" Mina said, adding to Kyoka's embarrassment. "Well, she did, but..." "I thought she was only joking because she was mad at you," Yaoyorozu said, looking at Kyoka for confirmation. "Well, I do like you," she admitted, and Yaoyorozu smiled at her. 

"Oh, ok." "Ok?" "Yeah, what else do you want me to say?" Yaoyorozu asked, faking confusion on her face. "Well, do you like me that way? Would you wanna go out with me or some shit? Give me more than a stupid oh, ok," Kyoka said the last part in a mocking tone, which caused Yaoyorozu to chuckle. "I do," she then said. "You do?" 

"Oh my god, yes! You two are so stupid, I can't evens stand to listen to this brain rot! You like each other, and you both wanna go out or some shit. Are we done now?" Bakugo said angrily, tired of their back and forth. "Rude," Kirishima frowned, and Bakugo flicked him in the back of the head for his comment. 

"Cute," Mina squealed in excitement. "Two down, two more to go," she then added, earning herself several confused looks in her direction. "Nothing, forget it," she waved her hands in front of herself.

They continued to play for another hour, though nothing interesting happened after the confessions of Kyoka and Yaoyorozu. "It's getting late, we should all head to bed so we are ready for another day of hell tomorrow," Uraraka suggested. They all agreed, and went to their cabins and got ready for bed. 

"So, I noticed you and Denki hugging before you joined us by the bonfire, wanna tell me about that?" Mina pressed as they all were brushing their teeth. "Nah, I don't think I will," y/n winked at Mina.

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