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"That's a lot of food," Denki drooled over the many stands outside the big gym hall where the festival would be held. There were normal people, pro-heroes, and students all over the place, all having fun before the real challenge begins. 

"We should go try something" y/n smiled as she grabbed Denki's hand and dragged him over to one of the food stands. There were street foods from around the world, desserts, and all kinds of foods you could imagine. 

Y/n was drawn towards a booth selling ice cream, and she bought a few scoops of chocolate ice cream and brought Denki over to a bench. 

"Ok, open this," she instructed as she handed him the pack of crepes he had brought her. He did as told, and held them out for her to do whatever she had planned, and watched as she slapped a scoop of ice cream onto the crepe, and folded the crepe around the ice cream. 

"Taste," she simply instructed, and he obeyed. His eyes lit up the second he took a bite of the sweet food, and he looked at y/n with wide eyes. "This is soo good!" he said with his mouth full, and y/n only chuckled as she smeared ice cream on her own crepe. 

"I know!" she smiled as she took a bite. "The crepes are really good, you never told me you could bake Denki," she complimented him, and he flushed red. Hearing his name on her lips like that felt weird, but oddly comforting. 

"So, are you ready to kick some ass?" Denki grinned after he had finished his crepe. "I'm scared if I'm being honest. I don't think I'll do any good at all," y/n admitted and Denki just scoffed. "Bullshit, you took down half our class in just a few seconds!" he praised. "Yeah, and none of you were fighting back, you all just stood there. This is different."

"Hey!" someone yelled from the crowd. Y/n looked over to see Ashido and Jiro squeeze their way from the crowd, ice cream in their hands.

"Are you ready to kick some ass?" Ashido squealed, and y/n chuckled. "Denki just asked me the same question," she laughed. "Denki? You're first name basis with him, and not me?" Jiro mocked looking offended. "Yeah, me too!" Ashido added. 

"Ok, Kyoka and Mina," y/n said, and they both lit up. "That's more like it!" Mina smiled, and Kyoka blushed slightly. 

"Ey y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to jam some after the festival today?" Kyoka asked while fidgeting with her ear jacks. "Sure, if I'm not too damaged," y/n laughed and Kyoka smiled with her. 

They all eventually went into the building to meet with their class, change into their uniforms and get ready for the opening ceremony. Y/n knew who was gonna speak at the ceremony, none other than her mother. Midnight. And she had to admit, it was a little awkward to hear people talk about her mother being sexy, but she was used to it. It wasn't exactly a new thing. 

Time ticked, and they all sat down waiting. Nervous. "Guys, I think we're to enter the arena now," Uraraka said uncertainly before someone knocked on the door to let the class know that they were indeed to walk out now.

Nerves were taking over, and y/n was about to chicken out before she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Good luck!" Denki grinned, and she felt a little more confident herself. 

"Good luck!"

ChargeBolt (Denki Kaminari x fem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now