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"Y/n! You have someone for you at the door!" Nemuri yelled from downstairs, while y/n stood by her own bedroom door trying to summon the courage to walk downstairs. After her little shut down at school earlier today, she managed to get back to her senses before her date with Denki.

It still sounded weird in her head. She had admired him, and they did have a good friendship going on, but she had no idea he liked her that way? But then again, he acts that way towards everyone. He continuously flirts with girls and asks them out, and they all say no. 

Yes, that's it. That must be why he asked me out, she thought to herself as she slowly walked down the stairs. She had seen the shock on his face when she agreed, and that must have been because he was so used to people always declining his offers. So he was just shocked that someone finally agreed. 

It's just a friendly date, she reassured herself. "Hellooo, y/n," Denki smiled from the doorway. "Hey, so what do you wanna do?" y/n quickly slipped on her shoes and stepped outside, avoiding her mother who was giving her a suspicious look. She'd deal with her later when she got home.

"There's a park not too far from here, I was thinking we could just chill there?" he said while fumbling with his thumbs. "Sure," y/n deadpanned as they started walking towards the park. After walking a few minutes in complete silence, Denki finally said something. "You know, I never expected you to agree to go out with me," he admitted and y/n felt her face heat up a little. 

"Well, it's a friend thing, r-right? We're friends, so why wouldn't we go out?" y/n stuttered a little, in fear of his response. She would be uncomfortable no matter what he said anyway because even though she did have a small hope that he was interested in her in that way, it made her nervous due to her previous relationship. But she also didn't want him to view her as just a friend, as she had to admit that she had grown fond of him during their time at UA so far.

"A friend thing?" Denki asked, the light he had when he picked her up disappearing from his eyes. "Yeah, like a hangout?" y/n said with uncertainty in her voice. She noticed the change in his mood but didn't think much of it. "Oh, yeah, of course," he lied. 

They continued to walk in silence, but due to different reasons than the earlier silence. The silence before was awkward, this silence was sad. The disappointment was written all over both of their faces, but neither seemed to notice. 

"Um, so this is the park," Denki mumbled as they reached the park. The park was huge, with different little shops around selling everything from ice cream to burgers. There were small ponds filled with different ducks and geese and a playground. But y/n's were drawn to the people walking their dogs. 

"Puppies," y/n cried when she noticed a couple walking 4 very tiny puppies. She pouted her lip while she cried at the cuteness, but Denki was more interested in her reaction than the dogs. "Cute," Denki thought aloud. "I know," y/n smiled, thinking he was talking about the dogs. But he wasn't.

Y/n looked around the park and noticed a tiny cute cafe selling different drinks, and she suddenly felt thirsty. "You wanna go get something to drink?" y/n asked as she looked over to Denki, who only nodded.

They walked over to the cafe, walking closer to each other as they got nearer the restaurant. But once their shoulders touched slightly, they both became hyperaware of how close they were and kept their focus on keeping distance. They were so focused on keeping a distance that when they got to the cafe, they didn't realize until they both walked straight into the fence that was surrounding the seating area. 

"Shit!" they both gasped, before looking at each other and chuckling a little. The chuckle soon turned into a full-on laughing fit, and they both clutched onto their stomach trying to catch their breaths. 

"Why is this so awkward?" y/n asked as they had calmed down. "I don't know, it doesn't need to be awkward," Denki simply stated, and it made more sense than it should have. "You're right. Let's sit down?" y/n asked as she motioned to the seats that were on the other side of the fence they had just walked into. "Yeah," Denki smiled.

"So you hungry? They have food here as well," he asked as he looked over the little framed menu on the table they had sat down at. "I don't know, a little? But I don't think I would be able to eat a whole meal, so something light?" she asked and he nodded. "I got you," he winked before standing up. 

"What? Do you," she started, but we were already gone. Y/n let out a breathy sigh as she leaned her head on her hand. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and decided to ignore it for now. She looked over at the cafe, and she saw Denki's hair inside the building, standing by the register, looking at something. "Stupid," she chuckled to herself at his behavior today. 

He seemed almost disappointed when y/n asked if their date was just a friend thing earlier, but she didn't want to get her hopes up. She couldn't afford to get hurt again. 

She felt her phone vibrate again, and this time she decided to check it. It was from Ace? 

Having fun at the park?
Don't ignore me!

Oh, are you here? Where! I wanna say hi!

I'm watching you now!

Y/n looked up from her phone to look around and didn't see her anywhere. 

Where, I can't see you?

The trees :)

Surely enough, just as y/n looked up to look towards the trees, she saw her. But she wasn't alone. Next to her, leaning against the tree stood a man. He was wearing a black hoodie that covered his face, so she couldn't see him very well. She looked back at Ace, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of the tree, her bright red hair falling down behind her, slightly gracing the grass she was sitting on. 

"I got you soup!" Denki pulled her out from her thought as he sat down in front of her, making her look away from Ace. "Hmm?" she said absentmindedly. "Um, you ok? You seem off," Denki asked worriedly, but y/n just shook her head. "No it's nothing, I just saw an old friend." "Oh where?" "Over there, by the..." y/n started but stopped herself when she looked back over at the tree to see the two people were gone. 

"What?" "You're making me worried," Denki forced a laugh. "They were right there?" y/n mumbled to herself. Where did she go? Y/n pulled up her phone again to see she had another text from Ace. 

See you soon bestie:) <3

She had a weird feeling about this.

"Y/n?" "What? Sorry, just got a text," y/n placed her phone back into her pocket and brought her full attention back to Denki. "I got you soup, and a lemonade," he smiled, confident in his choices. "Oh, strawberry?" "Nope, grapefruit lemonade," he grinned as he saw y/n's face light up. 

"How did you know that's my favorite!" "I have my ways," he smirked and y/n took a sip of her cold drink. "Hmmmmm, delicious," she closed her eyes, savoring the taste. "And you said you wanted something light to eat, so I got you soup," he motioned towards the soup, eagerly awaiting her response. 

"Is that spicy vegetable soup?" he nodded. "You spoke with my mom, didn't you?" she caused him, and his face dropped. "How did you know?" he complained. "Only she knows I like spicy vegetable soup," she smirked and Denki sighed in defeat. 

"I think it's cute though, nobody's ever talked to my mom about me before," she smiled and Denki's face lit up again. "So you think I'm cute?" "Yeah, in a dumb way." "I'll take it."

Y/n and Denki made small talk, about their plans after UA, and their families and stuff like that. And although y/n was genuinely having a good time with Denki, she couldn't shake the bad feeling in her stomach from the text she had gotten from Ace. And the person she was with. He gave off an eerie vibe.

ChargeBolt (Denki Kaminari x fem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now