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"I feel so lost, I don't know what to do," Denki sighed as he was talking to Sero. "She's distancing herself from everyone, and whenever we try to help her or talk to her, she pushes us away again. I don't think there's anything we can do," Mina pouted as she rested her head on her arms, almost falling asleep on her desk. 

"I wish I could know how she felt, I don't know if we should give her space or try even harder to help her," Denki said again before they all turned to look at Sero. "You," Mina said. "Me?" "Yeah, you! She just runs away from us, but you two are not as close, are you? You should talk to her. Tell her we're worried about her, and maybe try to figure out what she's going through," Denki got excited, filled with hope that his friend would talk to him again. 

"Idiots, isn't it clear what she's going through?" Bakugo spat at them from the end of the table, Kirishima slapping a hand over his mouth to get him to shut up. "Have some empathy, will you?" "Don't tell me what do, shitty hair!" Bakugo yelled after ripping Kirishima's hand off his mouth. 

"She got kidnapped and she almost died. It's obvious she feels weak, and that's why she's working out all the fucking time," he said more calmly, not wanting Kirishima's disgusting hand near his face again. "She doesn't want to waste your time, she thinks she's not worthy," he added and looked up to see all his friends staring at him as if he had grown a second head. "WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT YOU EXTRAS!" 

"I'll go and try to talk to her," Sero said trying not to comment on Bakugo's sudden emotional intellect. "Sure," Mina said, also still processing Bakugo's words. They sat in an awkward silence after Sero left, all waiting for him to come back so they could ask how it went. 

It felt like it had been hours when Sero finally walked back into the classroom, looking defeated. "Did she run off?" Kyoka asked as she stood up and slammed her hands onto her desk to steady herself. Sero calmly walked over to his desk, and they all gathered around him. 

"She thinks she's holding us all back if we were to help her. She thinks she's weaker than the rest of us, and that she's not on our level," he started, causing Denki to feel a pit forming in his stomach. That's how he felt sometimes. "She ran off before I could say much, but I think this is unhealthy for her," he went on, and they all looked down in defeat. They had no idea how to help her.


It was the day of the exam, and y/n was more nervous than when she received her acceptance letter to UA. She was standing outside on the sandy ground with her classmates, and in front of them stood the UA teachers. Almost all of them. 

"You will be split into groups of two and three, and you will be fighting the teachers," Aizawa explained. "Since y/n came in a little later than the rest, she'll have a slight disadvantage, so she'll be grouped up with another group, forming the only three-group," he looked at y/n. 

He went on to explain in more detail how the exams were going to go before he started dividing us into our groups. "Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu, and y/n Kayama, you will be fighting me," he grinned, and y/n felt herself die inside. The only strength she had was her quirk, and Aizawa was gonna erase it. 

She spent all her time leading up to her battle stressing about what to do, while the others were coming up with strategies and chatting amongst themselves. "Y/n, we should prepare ourselves," Todoroki asked as he snapped y/n out from her mind. "Yeah, sorry," she muttered and stood up to walk over to where Yaomomo was sitting, looking just as nervous as y/n.

When their exam started, they were standing still waiting for the signal, trying to stay calm and rational. Then a loud alarm went off, followed by a voice speaking. 

"Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Kayama, practical exam. Ready, go!"

ChargeBolt (Denki Kaminari x fem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now