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Kaminari covered himself in electricity while Bakugo started warming his hands up with small explosions. They charged at each other and then the rest of the audience was blinded by the strong light. A mix of lightning and explosions.

The battle was short, but the aftermath was disturbing. The air smelled like burned flesh, and when the smoke cleared Bakugo was standing hunched over Kaminari. Bakugo was covered in soot and Kaminari was no better. Except he was also bleeding a little. 

"Holy shit!" y/n breathed out as she ran over to the two to check if anyone was badly injured. "Look, Kaminari turned stupid again," Ashido pointed out and the rest started laughing. Stupid? y/n thought as she looked over Kaminari. 

His eyes had a blank look to them and he just sat there with his mouth slightly open. He slowly focused his gaze onto y/n and gave her two thumbs up. The rest of the group started laughing even more hysterically, but y/n didn't find the situation funny at all. 

"Why are you all laughing? Kaminari is obviously hurt, he fried his brain, and he's bleeding! How can you all just sit there laughing? That's not very hero-like," Y/n scolded them while she helped Kamianri get to his feet. 

"Chill, we always make a joke about it, it looks hilarious," Jiro tried to reason, but y/n was having none of it. "Yeah, it might look funny, but have you thought about how it feels for him? To have his brain fried? Have you ever asked him?" she asked them.


"That's what I thought. Well, maybe next time you see him, you should ask him," y/n slowly lead Kaminari over to a tree and slowly sat him down. "You should get Bakugo checked as well. He has some serious marks on his face and arms," y/n said as she opened her bag and pulled out a first aid kit.

The group realized they had fucked up, so they just slowly left. Leaving y/n alone with Kaminari, who was sitting on the ground, swaying from side to side. 

Y/n sat down on the ground against the tree, and slowly cleaning his bleeding wounds, before putting a band-aid on it so it wouldn't get infected. Kaminari's upper body slowly got more unstable, and he fell forwards landing on y/n's shoulder.

"What are you doing?" she asked him, feeling her face grow red from the close contact. After she took some deep breaths, she came to the conclusion that he was not aware of what he was doing, and that he probably needed a nap to sleep off the effects of his quirk overuse. 

She guided his head to her lap, and he instantly fell asleep. This is awkward, she thought to herself as she watched Kaminari asleep on her legs. 

Slowly, y/n felt her own eyes grow heavy from the workout, and she fell asleep leaning against the tree.


"Shit!" Kaminari yelled as he jolted awake from his nap. This woke y/n up as well, who let out a scream as she was startled. "Fuck Kaminari, why are you yelling!" she slapped his arm. "I wake up on your lap, I was scared!" he defended himself, which only caused y/n to laugh. 

"Sorry, but you're the one who fell asleep on me," she shrugged her shoulders before straightening up. "Sorry about that by the way, I didn't mean to overuse my quirk. I know the others laugh at me whenever that happens," he looked down at his own hands, which were fidgeting with the string on his hoodie. 

"Nah, don't think about it. I cleaned your wounds, so you should just get home and get some rest," y/n smiled. "Yeah, right," Kaminari said absentmindedly. "Are you ok?" she asked and he just nodded. 

"See you at school tomorrow then," she smiled before standing up. She started to walk, but she felt someone tug on the sleeve of her jacket. "Did you stay here with me while I was unconscious?" he asked quietly. He seemed very self-conscious, which was very out of character from what y/n had seen. 

"Of course, I couldn't leave you alone," y/n said as if it was common sense. But it wasn't. People usually only placed Kaminari to the sides when he short-circuited and left him there alone, or they just dumped him off at the nurse's office. 

"People usually don't do that, so thank you," he mumbled before walking off. Y/n was left standing there thinking about what he just said, and she was shocked. Shocked that people could just leave someone with a deactivated brain by themself. 

He seemed almost like a toddler when his brain short-circuited, and nobody would ever just leave a toddler to take care of themselves. And he seemed so self-conscious about his situation, mostly because of the way people always laugh at him and make fun of him. 

Y/n felt bad for him, he didn't deserve to be mocked for his quirk. Especially when it's such a strong quirk.

ChargeBolt (Denki Kaminari x fem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now