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"Y/n?" Mina said worriedly as they both walked together to the gym. It had been a few days since the exam, and y/n had been letting her friends in a little more, and she wasn't as tense as before. They were all super excited about the summer camp they were going to in a few weeks. 

"Hmm?" y/n turned to look at Mina, who was on her phone. "You should read this," she handed her phone to y/n, who raised her brows in confusion before she read the article Mina har showed her. 

Y/n Kayama, from the group ThunderShock, shocks us all after her former bandmates revealed some disturbing facts from y/n's tour days! Videoes of her getting drunk and rumors of her doing drugs and getting into fights when she was on tour in Europe have spread like wildfire, and the young rockstar has yet to comment on the accusations. 

She is now attending UA to become a hero, and people in Japan are getting worried about having someone as unhinged and wild as her become a hero that's supposed to protect them. 

-She can't even control her own behavior, how is she gonna control the behaviors of others?
-I would not feel safe having her patrol my neighborhood.
-She only got into UA because her mother is Midnight. And what a bad job she has done raising y/n, but if you look at her other kid, the one that kidnapped y/n, it's not a surprise really.

Her bandmates Ace and Hyloww, are now in hiding from the police forces after they kidnapped and tried to kill y/n, but they had left notes around the crime scene, revealing how they felt about their former friend.

"She always had the spotlight, always bragging about her fame to us. We were never recognized for our talent, and all our childhood we were called villainous. My quirk is that I can cause people to hallucinate what I want. I was called a villain when I wasn't even ten years old. Hyloww can order you to do whatever she wants if she looks you in the eyes, she was also bullied and shamed for her quirk. 

So y/n Kayama, what is your next move?

Y/n finished reading the article, not realizing she had started shaking until Mina placed her hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "Are you ok?" she asked, and y/n just swallowed hard to try and remove the lump that was growing in her throat. 

"It's not true, half of it is not even true, and why would they write about that? Why would anyone even believe what they're saying, they tried to kill me! It's obvious they don't like me," y/n started rambling, trying to understand why the press would do that. 

"Y/n calm down, let's go talk to Aizawa about this, ok?" Mina calmed y/n down a little before she called someone in class to ask them to send Aizawa to their classroom. "Come on, let's go back to the classroom, and wait for Aizawa to come. We'll talk to him, and he'll help us figure out what to do," Mina led y/n back to their classroom, as y/n was too panicked to even see clearly.

Once they got there, they sat down at the desks on the front row, and Mina tried to help y/n do breathing exercises. The door soon opened, and Aizawa and Midnight walked inside, a serious look on their faces.

"Y/n," Midnight broke the silence, causing y/n to look over to them with tired eyes. "I don't know what to do," she sighed as she laid her head down on the table. "Is it true? The things in the article?" Aizawa asked while he and Midnight took a seat. "Some of it, yes. The rest are just lies."

"What part was true?" Aizawa then asked. "I did drink a few times, but only when I was in countries where I was legally allowed to drink. Denmark was the first place where I got drunk. I never got into any fights though, there were a few times after concerts when I had to use my quirk to defend myself because people attacked me, but I never fought back," she explained and both Aizawa and Midnight nodded in understanding. 

"I'll tell the class tomorrow so that there won't be any misunderstandings if anyone were to read the article. We don't need to go public about this yet, as it's not a big problem, but if it ever gets bigger, I'll call for a press conference so you can clear your name. I don't recommend that you try to post any statement online, nor answer the press trying to get a quote from you, just ignore this," Aizawa stood up again and left for the door. 

"Also Midnight, I think you need to have a talk with y/n soon, and you know what it's about," Aizawa said before leaving, causing Midnight to get very annoyed. "What was he talking about?" y/n asked after Aizawa had left. "Nothing," Midnight said, trying to avoid it. "Tell me," y/n said, getting angry. "No."

"You don't get to tell me no! If Aizawa thought it was important to tell me, I trust that. I trust him more than I trust you at the moment because you have lied to me about my father, you've lied about my brother, and you've probably lied about other things too. So at this point, I don't wanna talk to you until you decide to be a little more honest with me!" y/n snapped, causing Mina to flinch slightly in shock at her sudden outburst. 

"Watch your tongue y/n," Midnight started but y/n flipped her off before storming out of the room. She was furious, she was sad and she was tired. She just wanted some peace. 

"Hey, y/n, are you ok?" Denki asked as he had just come out of the wardrobe, his hair was slightly wet from the shower. Y/n didn't answer, as she was scared that her voice would break. When she ignored him, Denki blocked her path and tried to look at her face. When she finally looked up at him with glazed eyes, he quickly pulled her in for a hug. "Shit, what happened?" he asked while gently rubbing her back comfortingly. 

"My mother won't tell me anything about our family, and she keeps lying to me," she said as she let her tears fall. "I can't go home, I can't talk to her now. I don't know what to do, I just need some space," she cried into Denki's shirt.

"It's ok, you can stay at my place for a few days if you want to, we have a spare room and my mom is a hero, so you'd be safe as well," he said and y/n accepted before even thinking about it. She needed space from her mother so desperately. "Thank you," she said as she tried to pull away from the hug, but Denki held her tighter and wrapped his arms around her to make her feel safe. And she did, as she leaned her head against his chest again and relaxed into the hug.

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