Nanon And TayNew

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 Nanon:hi parents 

Dad Tay: hi son

Daddy New:hi son

Nanon: Im'm going to be late today I have help Ohm with his homework.

Daddy New:So your not coming for dinner tonight??

Nanon: No I'm not sorry  just that Ohm is failling a class and his dad is giving him a hard time so he asked me if i could help him.

Dad Tay: Nanon I understand but I thought you and him are not talking right now.

Nanon: we werent but he is really needs my help we are just trying to figure out what we should do next. I know he likes me and I think I like him too but like I'm still scared to tell him.

Daddy New: I get it son I do I just think maybe you should tell him when the time is right he is a really good kid. 

Nanon: Thank you daddy I mean he a nice guy to tho so is Frank coming this weekend??

Dad Tay: Nanon I think your daddy is right but to answer your   I dont know if he is coming we just talked to him like 10 minutes ego he said he will there but who knows you how your brother is  so I think he will come just him tho but Imean if he brings Drake than I guess it is fine too.

Nanon: daddy New is dad Tay okey today bc just said he wouldn't mind if Drake came for dinner. Im mad at it but last time Frank invited Drake dad went insane on them both remember?

Daddy New: oh Nanon your dad he is fine we just talked about this before he understands that he needs control his temper towards Drake. I'm just shocked that he is okey with it.

Dad Tay: I get it now I wont be lose my temper at anyone. Nanon how come you didnt tell me about Frank skipping with Drake?

Nanon: Its not my business and he told me not tell you anything its a brother thing I mean he does other things beside skipping school. 

Daddy New: Which is what? what does Frank does besides skipping school??

Nanon: I said too much already but I will tell you but you gotta not tell him I told you both about this. 

Dad Tay: It depends if you wanna go to the field trip for school. 

Nanon:  Frank and Drake see each other every morning , every hour ,and every class  they are always together no matter I think they are both obessed with each other Frank doesnt do anything else besides texting Drake like even if they're in same room I get that they're together but like seriously its getting out of hand they cant be together alone. 

Dad Tay: really he just like me expect being with each other every single time  right daddy New.

Daddy New: your right  P'Tay. we need talk to Frank this is not normal. 

Nanon: I have to go now its almost time for class.bye see soon tho.

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