The Meeting Part 2

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Build stayed in his seat not wanting to get up at all " this is our rules"  Build says 

1.Don't Go Out At Night

2. Not Breaking Things.

3.No Bitting?Fighting

4. Don't Innocent.

5. Curfew Is 12:00 AM on NO School Days/

6. ON School Nights Curfew is 10:30 PM.

7.No Skipping School.

8. If you don't follow these rules you'll be punished/grounded

"Last Family is Perth" Zee said Perth stood up and said almost the same thing 

1. Tell the TRUTH

2. Ask For Permission

3. No Arguments

4.Chores Most Be Done Before anything else.

5.Listen To Your Elders.

6.Use Kind words

7. Don't Point Fingures At Each Other.

8.Don't Fight With Each Other.

"I'm done" Perth said to everyone  "us parents has been receiving cals from the school alot lately so  can anyone tell us who isn't been going to school because is very srtict about the children not attending school unless your sick but that's it so does any one like to explain themselves"?? after Zee said that all the children are looking at each other not wanting to get into trouble meanwhile Frank puts his head down like usual he wasn't listening just like Boss and Fiat were doing this wasn't very nice for them to do but they did it any way regardless what their parents thought  Frank gets up from his seat yet again he couldn't take it anymore so when his parents weren't looking he left along with Boss and Fiat this is not going end for neither of them. Nanon and others weren't surprised that they left so Napat, Drake,and  Noeul followed their boyfriends out the room trying so hard not to be seen. Nanon and the others stayed and recorded the rest of the meeting at this point no else noticed that some of the children had already left the meeting " great what do we do now Nanon asking the others no one responded to him at al; they were still listening to Zee talk about school,grades and misbehaving at school " dad listen I gotta go home to study for a test coming up so me and Max are going to be leaving now" Nat said    "oh great now what they looking around the room" Nanon thought to himself  the parents kept looking around while Nat and Max were getting ready ro leave "HOLD IT"  Nat looked at Max Oh shit look in his face " dad I gotta go" Nat and Max left the room before Zee can say another word. Again after Nat and Max left the room New, Gun,Saint, Build and Krist noticed that there six seats missing but they want to alarm their hubands so instead looked at each child in that room ( side note) (Nat and Max told Zee that they both had to leave for a test which it is true by the way I wanted to make that very clear that Nat's parents knew that he left)  Nanon and the others are wondering why they all left the room "Pluem where is your brother"?? Tay asked Pluem thats when Pluem was looking the room towards Gulf and Nanon were sitting at than takes a few minutes to ask " will he said to Nanon that he wasn't good anymore so he just left cause he felt it was the right thing to do right guys? all of them nodded  but New and Singto weren't convised at all they're the only parents that knows about this thing with Frank and that is why New and Singto wanted Frank so that he can finally tell the truth but that didn't happen at all. " New I think we should tell them ourselves" Singto said New got caught guard by what Singto just said New shook his head "he isn't ready I guess and if we do that without his permission things will get ugly fast you know that right??  Krist and Tay were confused as to what Singto and New were talking about.

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