Vihokratana Children Part 2

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Its finally a new year. I hope 2024 brings everyone good health, love, money and happeness because we all deserve it. Here is to 2024 be blessed if you need to kick people out of your lives than do it don't hold back anything from anyone this includes family,friends ,gf/bf etc. Let 2024 be your year. Happy New Year 2024!!!

Bill: So Frank how do you feel after telling Daddy Tay and Papa Newiee the truth??

Frank: Daddy Tay called me this morning but I didn't answer at all so papa Newiie texted me telling that they wanted to have a conversation with me later on today but I told them I couldn't cause I'm going to be busy today.

Nanon: awweee Frank I feel like we all preesured you into spilling out your secret.

Bill: Nanon you have a point I feel bad too.

Pond: Frank do you feel better or worse??

Frank: if I slept good last night no I didn't sleep good at all. I kept thinking all the worse case senerios in my head and like I told Billkin daddy called me but I didn't answer but than papa texted me asking me if I could come tonight.

Pluem: I went home earlier today and let me tell you something Frank daddy so angry I soon I walked into the house daddy started screaming at me telling why I didn't tell them about this sonner. Papa had to calm him down like usual I told both of them that is wasn't my secret to tell and you wanted to tell them yourself which papa Newiee agrred with me on that part.

Frank: Nanon are you home right now??

Nanon: yes actually I'm home with Pond and Billkin I was there when Pluem came home and let me tell you something it was bad it was like watching a cat and mouse but papa made sure that daddy stayed calm and yes daddy and papa wants you have been say that since this morning and I honestly want you to come home too though.

Frank: I just got a text from JJ,Nat, Fiat, and Win that our parents want to have a meeting with just us. all four of us said that were going to be buzy this whole week Nat is taking Online classes and is stay at my house and Drake knows what been going on wiht us 4 so he doesn't care.

Pluem: this is going to be another secret that we have too keep right??

Frank: nope this a secret between us 4 only no one else can know about not even our siblings and parents so don't worry I willn't tell guys anymore secrets.

Billkin: papa just texted me saying that there is going to be a family meeting in this FRIDAY.

Pond: is it mandotory???

Billkin: Idk but I can ask for.

Pond: Yes please I just wanna know so that I can let Phuwin know cause we already made plans and ask them what time is the family meeting going to start.

Billkin: seriously Pond your sounding like Frank right now.

Frank: omg did you hear about Neo??

Pond: yes I did and I most say holy shit I didn't think he would do what he did.

Frank: to be honest I would do the same though.

Nanon: what the happend to Neo?

Frank: I don't know Neo wants anybody to find out. So you can ask him yourself.

Pond: I think its better if he tells you.

Nanon: how did yall find out??

Pond: Phuwin and Neo are best friends they literally tell each other everything so Phuwin told me about it.

Frank: welp I heard it from Drake since Phuwin and Drake brothers.

Nanon: Ohhhhhhhhh I see. So about this family meeting did you ask if it was mandatory??

Billkin: papa didn't reply I guess he buzy doing a scene or something like that.

Nanon: oh ok than.

Billkin: nvm daddy is calling me hold on.

Nanon: We should have a group date soon.

Pluem: Nanon thats a great idea.

Frank: do I have to go?? lol

Pluem: Come for only 1 or 3 hours mama and papa willn't be there right Nanon??

Nanon: yes they willn't be there at all its just brothers and our boyfriendd/husband.

Frank: I will go but the moment Win texts me or calls me I will leave understood.

Pluem: so Billkin anything??

Billkin: I did asked both of them and they both said yes it mandatory so Pond you have to tell Phuwin that you be a lilttle late for whatever you and him are doing.

Frank: damn it at time do we have too be there??

Billkin: oh I forgot about that I did ask and papa said it doesn't matter what time you come as long as your coming thats all that matters.

Nanon: we all need to be prepared for whats to come cause you how daddy is so hopefully this meeting goes will.. but I doubt that would happen I'm expecting for the worsed.

Frank: Nanon your not the only who wants to and I think wee are thinking the same thing. How was going back to school from christmas break??

Nanon: It felt like the first day of shool all over again. Ohm looked at everyone as if it was the first day of school all over again.

Pond: Right it really feels that way though.

Billkin: so Frank has Nat talked to his parents since he told him about dropping out of school??

Frank: He has only been talking to Uncle Saint , his boyfriend ,me ,Win, JJ etc...... so I don't know about Uncle Zee.

Pond: ohhhh I think uncle Zee is still processing everything. do you know about WIN or JJ.

Pluem: I just asKed Chimon about that and let me tell you JJ and Win are hidding from their parents just like Frank and Nat is.

Billkin: speaking of that apprently now its the whole family meeting.

Frank: what does that mean???

Nanon: I think it means that all four have to show up cause its mandatory.

Pluem: yes I just got the message from papa.

Frank: oh great I will tell them here in a few minutes. I know niether of them is going to like it.

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