Movies Night

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Here is the part where they all find out about Frank's secret. This is not a text conversation this just a short story.

Friday night is finally here and everyone are getting ready to go over to Singto' s and Krist' s house for the weekend. Tay was all packed up ready to go so was New they just had to wait for Nanon like usual. Gun is getting things ready when papii told him that Gulf will met them at Sing's house. Gun is really excited to see his older son it has been a long since he saw him. Off was happy to see his older son as while papii Gun said can start packing your things please I'm not going to do it for you Off replied ok I will get to it.

Meanwhile at Gulf and Mew's apartment Mew was folding his clothes when gets a call from Frank.

Frank: hello Mew

Mew: hey Frank

Frank: just letting you know that Drake already knows but I might need your help with something.

Mew: yes what is it!??

Frank: when I tell them can you help my daddy New with P'Tay please??

Mew: I can try but it is not going to be easy. And I'm glad you told Drake but either way he will die.

Frank: I knw my dad is going to kill him but still please help me out.

Mew: yes I can.

Frank: alright thanks one more thing did you tell Gulf anything???

Mew: I mean I told him that everyone is worried about you and he said Win told him what's going on with you that's all he knows nothing else.

Frank: oh k will I let you get back to packing. See you there.

Mew: bye

With that Mew goes back to him room to pack up.

Now Singto and Krist are getting the stuff ready for the movie night. Since they were the ones who told everyone not to bring anything just themselves. Kit got lots of snacks like popcorn, crackers, dip for the patotoe chips and many others. While Singto got the drinks like pop, alcoholic beverages and juice.

Frank is freaking out he keeps talking to himself about how he is going to tell them the BUG NEWS he comes up with the worse scenerios. He scared shitless knowing who is dad is. Frank can't even consecrate doing his homework he has no idea how his family is going to take the news. What could possibly go wrong?? a lot actually hopefully I can do it as soon as possible.


Win gets his things together for the weekend at Uncle Sing and Kit's house. Win is really happy to see his brother Gulf is has been a while since they saw each other last. Bright is already packed and ready to go get Win since Win doesn't drive yet so Bright has no problem picking up Win anyway so Win doesn't really need to drive. Bright gets to Wins dorm room then Wins opens the door lets Bright in. Now Pluem is taking his time packing unlike Chim who hasn't even started packing. He is just like his Papii Off who waits until the last minute to get anything done.

Fiat is nervous about his parents meeting his new boyfriend Napat its the first boyfriend since Ouajun. Napat is also nervous about the meeting with Fiat's family and friends which is normal for a new comer like Napat. Fait looks at Napat wondering if he worried bout anything or just feels like he can't breath at all. Earth is now going to pick up Mix, Gulf, Mew, Drake and Frank since Frank doesn't want to be alone with Drake. All of them are all packed ready to go to the car Frank is still worried about this whole news thing so he decided to tell them will in the car.

(In The Car)

Frank: hey guys I have something to tell you guys.

Mix: what is it???

Frank: will umm....

Mix: just tell us before we there.

Earth: whatever is it we will love you and support you.

Frank: ok fine I will tell you me and Drake going to be parents.

Mix: WHATT??

Drake:yep I know I'm going to die soon.

Mew:maybe but Nong New will be there so you dont need to worry so much.

Earth: I have known your parents for a long time now and I do know how P'Tay is and don't worry we will be there too.

Mix: could you imgine if it was me my papii will be very mad at me.

Gulf: will let me be the first to say congrats but on the hand i wonder how tonight is going to play out.

Frank:thank you P'Gulf there is only a few people that knows.

Earth:like who?

Frank: P'Pluem,Fiat,Napat,Drake,Nong Chim and now you guys noe else knows anything not even my other three brothers

Mix:I'm glad you told us before the movie. So no one else knows right??

Frank: will there is only one parent that knows.

Drake:which is?

Frank: P'Singto he is the only that knows.

Gulf: how did he found out??

Frank: oh he saw me at a clinic with Fiat and he thought so something bad to Fiat he got concerned so I just blurted it out. We were outside the clinic tho so I was scared that he going to call my parents right than and there but he didnt so kept a secret until I decided to tell people.

Mix: so your that student that got pregant right??

Earth: your parents heard bout the rumor just so know is it your or someone else??

Frank: yes and no there is this other girl student that is also pregnant just like me and she is in the same facility as me. But the rumors are true.

Mix: how far a long are you??

Frank: 5 weeks.

Earth: good luck you'll need it.

Drake: thank you I can't believe I'm going to be a father.

Gulf:this going to end badly. But I'm ready to bc I have news too.

Mew: yes, it's going to be a good one.

Earth: can't wait to hear it.

Mix: same here. I think P'Mew should el them the big news after Frank tells them that way everyone will forget all bout Frank's news..

Drake: sounds good to wbu baby are you ok with that??

Frank: I'm down I feel like it will be easier.

         (20 minutes later)

Earth parked his car in driveway of Kit and Singto's house which where Singto told to park. They all got off the van Frank was still sitting in the van he didn't wanna get out but he knew he didn't have a choice. Drake stayed back with him for a while Drake looked at Frank in the eyes and said "look I know your scared but you're not going to be alone I'm going to be with you until your dad kills me or chases me also is doesn't matter what anyone says bout you I love you and we are in this together". With that Frank hugged Drake very tightly Drake took Frank's hands they walked into the house and everyone was there. Frank looked around he just said hello to everyone and sat down next Fiat. Fiat looked at Frank and said "are you ready for tonight"? Frank shook his head but he needed the rumors to stop which him telling them the news.

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