All Parents (School Calls)

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Mile: Has any one gotten a call from the children's school?? The told that they've called us so many about our children missing school.

Papii: no yet why?

Apo: I haven't gotten anything from the school.

Zee:I got a call from Nat's teachers telling me that Nat wasn't at school.

Saint: idk what's going on with him though he has never acted like this before.

Singto: I know that feeling I went through it with Fiat years ego Nat is just a teenager he will test you're limits and your patients.

Tay: yes  I agree with Singto Nat is a teenager just like Frank and many others I think Nat just wants to do something different from his normal routine from what I have been told Nat thinks his life is boring all he does is go to school than goes home or the diner he thinks that if he asks you any thing about going out without Max you'd say no which.

Saint: Nat he been a good boy for long time and I also think that both Singto and Tay are right Nat is always at the diner might be afraid to ask us anything I think we all have been there we were teenagers its so much harder nowadays because social media is a thing.

Apo: yes social media can be good or horrible depending on the person we grew up differently than how we are rising our children now. I know neither of us knows how hard teenagers have it now.

Perth: true Fluke has been going through a lot lately. all he does come home and doesn't say a word to me he goes past me goes straight to his room and doesn't come out for days or hours.

Guniie: did you guys know that they have meetings three times a day?? that is what AJ told me I guess they talk bout us and other things that AJ said he can't tell me which I think it is greart that they a group just like we do.

Papii: me too at least our children get along with each other and some are in the same age group but regardless they have each other just like us.

Newwiie: I know right Nanon is acting all the time now and Pluem is still doing great job as an actor I really wish I be in the same show as Nanon or Pluem just saying but like you all have been saying sometimes teenagers don't wanna ask permission for anything. But some schools are very strict with everything I have been told by Pond. Pond is just like Fluke they both do the same thing Pond comes home doesn't say a word to me he just goes to his room an stays there all day doesn't come out until like dinner time or he is going out with Phuwin or friends.

Bible: Boss hasn't been at school today I just got a call from school I swear he is back to old wyas after he promised me that he wouldn't do it again.

Build: Great he turned off his location too how are we supposed to find them??

Perth: I can ask Boun, Fluke, or Phuwin maybe they know something.

Newwiie: alright let us know if they know anything. please.

Perth: I will don't worry.

Apo: Perth does Boun or Fluke know anything??

Gawin: I really wanna know too cause apparently  Drake has been getting  into trouble at school lately I guessing its because of  Frank and how their relationship is falling apart. I'm saying its anyone fault but the school said that some people have been making fun of him ever since Frank had went and did he his thing. Frank has been protecting Drake for a long time according to what Ohm said to me the calls me all time about Drake.

Podd: Drake had been through alot these past year just Frank has also trust me when he came to get things from the house he seemed at little bothered or annoyed  I never really asked him why cause I knew he didn't want to talk bout it. He came home a few times trying to figure out what going with him and Frank. When the calls us parents it seemed like its bout our children's bad behavior or something like that.

Apo: so Perth anything??

Perth: Boun doesn't know anything but he did say to call either Mew or Pluem they might know something. 

Bible: Ok than can someone call them cause the school wont stop calling me.

Perth: right same here I get that they're missing school but damn we are trying to find them.

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