Siblings And Boyfriends

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Frank: hellooo everyone 

Pond: hey bro

Ohm: this is a nice surprise 

Billikin: what is this now?

Nanon: so whats going now??

Frank: I have been thinking alot lately.

AJ: About what??

JJ: now Im interested.

Gulf: you've got my attention.

Drake: I hope its about the other secret you have??

Frank: maybe  but hear me out tho I think its time cause ever since the marriage reveal I have been thinking I think is time for my other secretto come out but I need someone or something soften the blow. I need someone to either got first or after me which ever.

Earth: wow this is shooking news but I 'm glad you finally revealing it.

Mix: Pluem has been quiet this times around why??

Pluem: Mix I was tallking to dad New just know.

Mix: what did he say??

Pluem: Frank and Drake will have an official wedding and he said is was daddy Tay's idea.

Drake:ummmmmmmmmm I have no words.

Mew: oh man this is going to be great or horrible.

Bright: you have no idea.

Win: alright I have something to say.

Mix: what is it??

Win: will I'm not  be going to college.

Gulf: are you insane??

Mix: Ummmmmmmm whyn't ??

Win: AJ and JJ are not going either right?

Chimon: will than what are you going to do then??

Win: I'm going to take 4 years off cause I don't know what I want to do yet.

Chimon: oh that makes since tho I did the same thing remember?? but I took 2 years not 4 but I support you tho does papa and papii knows??

Win: really what do you think??

Mix: I'm assumming no they don't know.

Frank: Win so you want to go first or after me??

Win: I feel like my news is not that bad as yours so I can first if you want.

Frank: which ever works for you.

Boss: do you want us all there??

Banky:I want to see how this goes over. lol,

Mos: awesome I'm so happy but the real question is are you going to do it on the wedding day or the day after??

Frank: I haven't thought about that. what do you yall think??

Top: oh Frank  first the marriage, abortion, and now a college reveal?? anything else we all should know??

Mew: welp me and Gulf are finally got approved for aboption we are going to be parents in July.

Top: wow congrets. Mike and I going to be travaling this is summer.

Mike: I can't wait. 

Frank: I wanna go lol.

Mike: we should all do something over the summer and for Win take a 4 years college break is it really a good idea??

Win: for me it is. 

Billkin: don 't worry Win  I 'm doing the same thing.

Pluem: Bill are you like insane??

Bill: nope I just think the same way as Win does but the only difference is that I'm taking 3 years not 4 like Win.

Win: ohh cool.

Frank: oh I forgot to mention that I dropped out of college.

Nanon: are you out of your mind??

Frank: nope papa and daddy doesn't  either but and I been told that Boss and Fluke dropped out too. Nat please don't say anything 

Banky: oh wow really?? Boss dad and mama are going to kill you.

Boss: don't you worry about that. I have a plan.

Mos: which is??

Boss: you will find out soon enough.

Neo: I will be there but  I think P'Tay and P' New will scold me for letting you and Drake get married without thier permission.

Frank: don't worry bout that I've already told them that you would be coming and to be nice.

Louis: oh ok good cause Neo has been getting alot of  shit as of late for some reason.

Neo: yes I have some people are mean and it doesn't have nothing to do with you.


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