Nanon Part 1

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Note:This is just Nanon's point of view on everything that he has been going through for the past few months I might throw in some conversation with everyone from his life past and present.

Nanon P.O.V

Hello guys this my first time talking about my life and how its been going lately so lets get on with it. I'm also that kind of person that if you need something I will be there to listen or have a shoulder to cry on but sometimes it feel like people think that I'm push over which in all honesty its half truth half lie. My boyfriend thinks doesn't that at least I don't he does but anyway I love helping people with whatever they need my brothers does the same thing. I do it more cause I don't know how to say "NO" to everybody I even will go above and beyond for my friends and family more friends than family which I know its not great but I love it. I have been told to stop before its too late. Sometimes I wish I could stand up for myself an say what I want to say but I feel like if do that no one would like me or something like. Just the other day Ohm my boyfriend asked me " babe can you not be nice to every single person please"?? I just looked at him not saying a word I just stood there looking stupid like always  all I said was " babe I understand where your coming from but I feel like if I don't help people no one will like me or something like that"  Ohm is someone who doesn't let people walk all over him or let alone help them out this is why people always asked him why is he with me since I'm such a push over he usually replies by saying something like this " welp he is my boyfriend he has always been that way so I don't have a problem with being himself but at the same time I get annoyed with him when friends of his asks him for everything Nanon doesn't say anything to know no one but I know inside he is hurting".

I'm seating in my room doing my homework when my parents comes inside (mind you that I have policy when coming into my room which is knock before coming inside) I'm like seriously man I'm busy over here  and without knocking that's not right but any way they both inside with this weird look in their faces  at this point I'm so confused as to why they both look like that. " Can we talk" daddy Tay said  at first I didn't want to but it felt like I didn't have choice in the matter so I just nodded my head as to say I agree. This is what they both wanted to have is about me and Frank more Frank for good reason than but man Frank and I had understanding that whichever one has secret like this we most not tell anyone including our parents so I guess this going to be a conversation where they scold me rather than me explaining to them.

(Nanon, Daddy Tay, Papa Newiie)

Papa Newiie: I understands that you kept your brother secret from us I also get that you wanted him to tell us from very beginning but man you could've told us about the things like him not sleeping or not even eating at times.  

           Nanon: I actually didn't know about him not eating thing that was a surprise for me too.

   Daddy: Welp what about him not sleeping and skipping school??

              Nanon: you think that me and him see each other at school??

Daddy: don't you see each other at school???

    Nanon: nope we don't eat together remember we're in a different  faculties 

Papa Newiiee: true you're in the Music faculty and Frank major is Business and Communication and  right???

Nanon: no I'm in the music club my Major is Digital and Design remember I changed mine major before the new year. I was majoring in Criminal Justice but I CHANGED it cause I got bored. 

Daddy Tay: oh that makes since though do you guys talk or message you???

     Nanon: yes but he never talks about him or how he feels. he mostly talk about Chim, Win, AJ,JJ, Drake etc.

Daddy: So Drake knows more about Frank than you. How is that even possible???

    Nanon: obviously he talks to his boyfriend more than me   Frank talks to Drake so much that its funny  according to AJ and JJ who are both in the same major as Frank so you might want ask them.

 Papa Newiie: Welp than I guess we have too ask the twins but which twin though??

Daddy Tay: So you're telling me that you don't know anything about you own older brother.

Nanon: JJ should be very helpful cause they hang out all the time  I'm going to tell you if JJ doesn't know or wont much your best bet is either Fiat, Boss, Win and I think  Pluem they might know more than I could. 

After that conversation my parents left the room to call their nephew at least that's what I think its going to happen apparently I didn't give them enough information about Frank so this might not end well if the others doesn't give my parents the information they want to understand  their son Frank a little better. I got scolded just like I knew I would which is fine in  my opinion. Pluem is going to have a earful I just didn't mention Gulf and Mew cause Frank does talk to them a lot more than all of us put together. I hope Drake can help them just like the rest of them cause boy Frank will be next my parents wants some idea  of how Frank's brain works. This weekend me and the children are having a group date hopefully JJ doesn't get grounded but you know what he can always sneak out like he did before. JJ would do anything to see his new boyfriend regardless he gets into trouble JJ loves Pawin so he willing to risk it. I just feel like Frank has other secrets that he isn't telling no one just like Win, Fiat, JJ, Nat and Boss.

Later That day I received so many messages and call from Win, JJ and Boss and even Fiat when I looked at my phone I was so shocked to see so many messages. I knew this would happen it was a matter of time Fiat was the one who called but I didn't answer because I was busy with something. Win texted to ask me if my parents talked to me today I replied by saying yes they did I told him everything that my says and asked me which I understood perfectly. I don't know what my parents told them but I hope I don't get involved in this. I love my brother to death but I don't wanna get involved in something that's none of my business I know if I was in this situation Frank wouldn't want to be involved  unless he wants too or something bad happen to me I feel that Frank and I relationship is not your typical one I think we are abnormal that way and to be honest I like it this way Pluem, Pond , Billkin brother is every different is so many ways I will explain what I mean. With Pluem and I we talk almost everyday while with Pond we only see each other at lunch and that's it or when dinner is mandatory but besides that we don't see each other. With Billkin our brotherhood is really close we tell each other everything  what do I when I say everything like Ohm, school, friends, etc. There is nothing Billkin doesn't know about me visa versa I know everything about Billkin to and secrets and things that no one  know besides our boyfriends . I get that many people think that me and Frank have that kind of relationship but boy are they wrong . Frank tells Pluem more things than the rest of us put together Pluem was the first person to know about Frank's eating, sleeping, abortion etc. Pluem and Frank's relationship in kind of normal for some people but its odd to others Pluem was also the first one to know about Frank and Drake's relationship. Frank  doesn't really get along with Pond and Billkin and I don't know why. 

(End Of P.O.V)

This was just looking through Nanon's Point Of View I hope you like it and want more like this.

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