Holy Trinity With Other Parents

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Gun: hello peeps

Off: hello honey


New: hi 

Singto: hey hey

Kit: hey fam.

New: Gunnie why did you make a group chat??

Gun: Oh Newwie I want to have conversation about our children.

Tay: ohh i was bout too the same thing but I still understand why do we need a group chat about out children??

Gun: Papii asked me to make one just in case we needed to talk and since now we have new parents.

Off: I think this is better we can talk about our children's problems 

Kit: about time.

Singto: good we talk about them with out them knowing.  

Gun: Newwiie have you seen Nanon instagram post?

New: shhhhhh don't you post it Tay hasn't seen it yet but I have and most say Wow.

Off: I have seen Gulf's photoshoot and holy cow it is breath taking he really does love the camera so much.

Singto: Frank's insta gives me so much life he needs cool down tho.

Kit: I'm guessing you haven't seen Fiat's photo on insta??

Tay: actually I did and the comments section are loving his new tattoo. Singto yea iknw Frank's phots are to die for. 

Singto: yes I saw the photo and no I didn't know bout the tattoo thing baby.

Kit: ohh k than but I most admit he looks soooo adorable.

New: iI'm happy that out kids found someone they care about. 

Tay: yep even though we don't like it I'm glad that our kids are happy.

Kit: yes I know but they are going to be leaving us soon and idk if I can take it. 

Off: Will Gulf moved out way before graduation so  Win  might be doing the same thing.

Tay: Peng  I get it I don't my kids to leave the either but that's how life works remember we like that at their age. 

Gun: Pet he just being over dramatic again ever since Gulf moved out he has been like this and now he is probably not going too let Win nd Chimmon to leave the house

New: hey guys are you kids home??

Kit: No Fiat is not home he hasn't been at this week.

Tay: hin the kids aren't yet???

New: noooooooo they 're not home I just got home and the maid told me that the kids have been home at all.

Gun:  Same here I just got home too and the butler said that the children weren't home yet.

Kit: Singto honey has Fiat told you anything??

Singto: noo he didn't sweetheart. they probably hanging out somewhere like the movies or something like that.

(Gun added Zee and Saint into the chat)

Zee: Gun why did you add me??

Gun: ohh I just wanted to know if your child is home??

Zee: oh umm you gotta ask that to Saint cause he is home right now.

Gun: Saint??

Saint: I will go look cause since I don't have any else staying at the house right now. Zee don't freak out but our son is not home  I just called him but he didn't pick up.

Zee: I will call him.

New: I have tried calling but no one is picking up their phone.

Kit: same here.

Off: have you guys tried calling their boyfriends??

Singto: I did but no luck there either.

Kit: maybe they're at the movies theater so lets just wait if they don't call us back then we can freak but in the mean time lets calm down.

Zee: agreed 

Saint: I think they forgot to leave a note or text us or something like. 

Off: right that can happen I used to the same thing to my parents.

New: right P' Off we all did that which is normal.

Kit: agreed  we need to understand that they have school and friends they are also letting some steam since exams ended.

Tay: I know but worried about Frank he is pregnant and all so I hope he doesn't do anything stupid yo jeopardize the baby.

New: awwee Tay I know we all are but he needs to be with friends until the baby comes cause after that he wont be able to have any fun.

Kit: yeah I mean he does need to have fun too until the baby comes but hopefully they're not being reckless but I doubt that. Cause boys are wild.

Zee: I know that Max wont let anything bad happen to Nat. but I gotta go back to work

(Zee left the chat)

Saint: Nat is making new friends. 

Singto: we just need to wait for one of them to call us. If they don't call before midnight we will call again.

End of chapter.


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