Drake and Tay And New

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Drake: hey dad and daddy

New: hi son

Tay: hello love what's up

Drake: Frank never came home last night so I was wondering if he ever showed up at your home??

Newwiie: oh honey idk cause I 'm didn't go home yesterday but I really doubt that he came back to his  childhood home without us knowing.

Tay: I didn't went home either I haven't seen him since the meeting we had.

Drake: I don't know what to do anymore I feel like he doesn't love me or care about anymore like he used to its makes me sad to think after all these years. I wanted to have a relationship like you and Newwie has.

Tay: oh sweetheart I know you may think he doesn't love you or care about you but the truth is he really does care and love you I think he  is trying to figure himself out  I know my son will enough to know how he acts like everyone has been saying he has been through a lot these past couple of  mouths. As for my relationship with Newwiie its wasn't always like that at first we both hated each other so much that  even our  friends were getting sick and tired of us bickering  or arguing. So one day Newwiie started to talking to my ex  I started to get jealous not because of her but because of Newwies talking to someone else  drove me insane so every time he would talk or hang out with anyone it made me mad I wasn't myself I showed up every where he went it did matter if he was at his house or at his friends I would always be showing up without him knowing or until I get there.

Drake: wow that's a crazy story I guess now I understand why you hated me so much.

Newwiie: not me  I never hated you Drake and yes I hated him so much that every time he was around I would get angry and leave the area. Don't get me wrong he a good looking guy by that time he was known as a player I think that is why I hated him he would play around with everyone. After a while  I was starting to feel things for him which to me was wrong I kept thinking to myself this can't be real I can't have feelings for a player like him no way in hell but I guess the heart wants what it wants regardless of person good or bad Frank is a good boy I just think that maybe ever since you know what he has been trying so hard to ignore it when went to the cabin he seemed to be having a rough time though like he looked like he didn't sleep at all. 

Tay: I think he just trying to himself and what he wants for his life and I feel like I put6 too much pressure on him growing up. Drake listen you've gotta understand that when Frank met you he broke the number one we've made for them that was NO DATING until college or you move out but I mean that rule made when they were in elementary school and also he liked so much that when he saw you with some one else he didn't know what to do with him self all he did was be up in his room he barely ate anything he would also not be sleeping properly.

Drake: True I remember him teeling me that but he said he didn't care what punishment you gave him he was willing to do it for mine sake. I just want him to come and talk to me like old times I did give him space cause we both needed it that time I just can't hope but to  think he leave me for some one else. 

Tay: I thought same thing we all have been there some times you think that the person your with isn't good enough for you. Trust me is happens to all of us at some point in our lives Krist,Singto,OFF, Gunnie,Newwie, Zee,Perth,Saint and many other parents has been through this so many times. 

Newwie: Drake honey you're doing great I just you to remember that he will come around soon just give him so more time. You did the number one thing that no one has done that is to give him space to think through so your brave enough to keep going even though you might not see it that way right now. 

Tay: yes Drake you fine young man that loves my son very much and I thank you for that and I'm sorry for being so mean to you before I'm his father its my job to protect him.

Drake: right I understand now thank you so much for this I really needed it just to you know I would never do anything to hurt Frank I truly love him soooooooooooooo much. 

Newwi: your welcome. I will see you at the party??

Drake: yes I will be there hopefully Frank and Win will show up.

Newwwie: prey to the good above lol.

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