FiatNapat and SingtoKrist

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Singto: hello sons

Fiat: hi dad.

Napat: hi P'Singto

Krist: hey fam.

Singto: Napat you can call me dad.

Napat: are you sure???

Fait: babe he loves when it when people call dad.

Singto: yes I don't mind you can also call Krist Ma if you want to right honey?

Krist: yes I guess he can. I don't mind either.

Napat: will then ma and dad. Wht you doing??

Singto: oh nothing just wondering if you are coming to dinner tonight??

Fait: yes we will be there but it's just going to be the four us right???

Krist: yes your brothers aren't not here they went  to hang out with their friends.

Napat: oh ok. Do you us tp bring something??

Singto: no you don't have to we lots of leftovers from the movie night.

Fiat: we will see you soon. By the way have you guys talked to Uncle Tay and New since the movie night???

Singto: yes we did the day after and they are still little bit shocked but they are really excited about the baby. And I think they planning on having a baby shower in a few months they are just waiting for Drake to tell his parents.

Krist: wait! Drake parents doesn't know???

Fiat: I guess not. I thought he told them.

Napat: will he told me he was going to invite them to the movie night but he changed his mind. And I think he is scared just like Frank was because he keeps avoiding their calls every time they call him.

Fiat: maybe his parents will kick him out of that happens he can just move in with Frank.

Singto: if Tay lets him which he meant but who knows. If doesn't let him live with them then he move here with us.

Krist: that's fine with me. Drake is a nice boy who made a mistake. At least he still has us his other family.

Napat: I can see where Fiat gets his charm from. You both have a good son that loves and cares for me.

Fait: aweee I love you guys. But dad we gotta finish studying.

Singto: bye 😘

Krist:bye son study hard and love you too.

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