New Years Resolutions ( Children And Boyfriends)

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( At Fiat's Apartment)

Nanon: what's everyones new years resolutions?

Ohm:I don't have right now so come to me.

Pond: Will my resolution stop being a push over.

Phuwin: I have three 1. is to achive goals 2. Make a dream board 3. to set boundries.

Nat: I only have one which is too follow my dreams.

Max: I haven't thought yet.

Boss: to make more memories.

Nouel: Travel any where.

Frank: I don't have one yet either.

Drake: Will mine is to make goals for my self.

Mos: here is mine I have four of them 1. to meet more new people 2. travel to different areas 3. set reminders 4. don't think too much.

Bank: I have only 2  1.Set goals for my self  2. Read more books.

Billkin: just like Bank read more and just like Mos meet more new people.

PPKit:Make a list of all things I want to do.

Top: good health and maybe abopt a child or two.

Mike: Do something challeging.

Gulf: Cook new recipes and bake new things.

Mew: Make a schedules for the things I need to do or get done.

Win: I don't have one either.

Bright: niether when I do I will send it to you 

Fiat:  Read new novels, mangas, and many others.

Napat: have a vision board.

Pluem:  Sleep more.

Chimon: good you don't sleep at all I have 3 1.Mine is to join a yoga club 2. Relax more 3. have a clear mindset.

Meen: Take things one step at a time.

Ping: thats good question welp here are mines  I have 5 1. don't get to overwhelmed to easily 2. staying focused with my studies 3. Join a club of some kind. 4.Start prioritizing my life 5. learn someting new.

Nanon: Bright, Frank, Max, Ohm niether of you have anything right now right?

Ohm: nope if I did it would to quit being stubborn.

Nanon: really babe that's not a good resolution I know you have one.

Ohm: alright fine my new year resolution is  pick up a new hobby there happy.

Nanon: yes very.

Bright:I thought of one do more concerts for charities.

Frank: volunteer at a food bank or pet rescue centers. what bout your Nanon.

Nanon: thanks for asking  mine new year resolution is keep my thing organized and  go somewhere new.

Max: I just have one and that is too either join more clubs or volunteer at a homeless shelter.

Earth: I have like 2 1.Find a new Passion 2. Stop checking everything.

Mix: I also have 2 1. Read a book once every 2 months 2. learn to cook other things.

AJ. Do something nice for someone else

JJ:Work out more.

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