The Other Girl

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        It's been 5 months since Logan and Alex separated. Alex is still hoping that one day, Logan will knock on their apartment door, saying 'I love you and I miss you. Let's start over again'. She's so lost without Logan.

        "Hey..." Dakota said.

        "What?" Alex asked.

        "Come on. Let's hang-out. Let's go to a bar. Have fun. Drink with other guys out there. Give yourself a break." Dakota said.

        "And then what? Look...I don't want to give Logan a reason to permanently leave me. I know he'll come back to me. I know it. All I need to do is to wait." Alex said.

        "Alex...I'm sorry but I don't think Logan will come back to you." Zara said while looking at her laptop.

        "What did you say?" Alex asked.

        "Come and take a look." Zara said.

         Alex and Dakota went to her. Alex was so nervous...and then she saw a photobooth...with a girl...and a kiss... Alex stared at it for almost 10 minutes until a teardrop fell from her eye. Then she decided to leave.

        "Alex? Where are you going?" Dakota asked.

        "Somewhere I can think. Please, don't follow me." Alex said then she left their apartment.

        Alex went to a convenience store nearby. She bought 5 vodkas then went to this special place...Pacific Palisades. She opened her phone then called someone.

        "Alex?" Logan's sister, Linds, asked. "Are you drunk?"

        "Do you have some time? I just need someone to talk to. I'm at Pacific Palisades." Alex said.

        "Okay. I'll be right there. Don't go anywhere, ok?" Linds said.

        30  minutes later, Linds arrived. She saw Alex, sitting on a rock, drinking vodka.

        "Alex, oh my God, what's happening? Is it because of my brother?" Linds asked.

        Alex laughed. "You know what? I didn't expect this.I really don't. I never thought I'd fall in love like this. Can you believe it, Linds? I love your brother to death!" then she cried.

        "Hey...tell me what happened? All I know gave each other some space. I mean, your relationship with isn't done yet, right?" Linds asked.

        Alex laughed again. She opened her phone then searched something on the internet. "What can you say about this? Do you think it's not over?" she said while giving her phone to Linds.

        "Oh my God! Alex...I don't what to say. Hold on. I need to call Logan. You don't deserve this!" Linds said.

        "What? No...please. No." Alex said.

        "Alex, this is my brother. He needs to be responsible in his actions." Linds said then she called Logan.

        "Linds? What's up?" Logan said in a lonely voice.

        "You really have the guts to say 'what's up'? What the hell was that Logan Wade Lerman?" Linds said angrily.

        Logn knew that Linds don't call him like that except when she's really angry. "I don't have any idea. What's that?" he said.

        "Oh. So you need me to tell you every detail? Ok. First, who the hell is that girl you kissed on that freaking photobooth?" Linds asked which is now, raising her voice.

        "Shit." Loga whispered. "Does Alex know about it?" he asked.

        "Does she know? Of course. She's with me tonight. She showed me that picture of yours! I can't believe it!" Linds said. Alex, on the other hand, became nervous when Linds said her name.

        "Can I talk to her?" Logan asked.

        "It depends on her. Wait a sec...Alex, he wants to talk to you." Linds said. Alex accepted.

        "Alex. I know you're there. I am deeply sorry. Look, I'm not expecting you to believe me but...I'm still in love with you. They set me up. I didn't know what happened. I'm coming back to LA tomorrow." he said.

        "Who's the girl?" Alex asked.

        "She's...Amy. Amy Vaver. She's a friend of Emma." he said.

        "When you return tomorrow...does that mean you'll come back to me, too?" Alex asked...already crying.

        "That is...if you still want me back." he said.

        "I would love to. I'll see you soon, then?" she said.

        "I'll see you soon, then." Logan said. That's the end of their conversation.

        "Wait. That's it? After all those things...that's it? See you soon?" Linds asked.

        "I told you. I love your brother. I can't lose him. Maybe you're thinking I'm losing my mind. Well, I don't care. I'm willing to forgive him. If I have to do it a million times, I would do it. I'll give him what he needs." Alex said.

        Linds took her hand. "Alex...I know my brother. He loves you so much, You don't need to give him everything. You, being with him, is enough. That's why I'm so shocked. I can't believe he did this to you. Actually...he calls me every night. He wants me to check if you're ok. I always call Zara. But I told her not to tell you. The order came from Logan. He knows everything."

        "Oh my God. For 5 months, he's been doing that?" Alex asked.

        "Yes. He never missed a single night. Well, except last night." Linds said.

        Alex hugged Linds and cried again.

A/N yay! i just can't imagine Linds being so angry. lol. My head hurts...I just fell out of my bed. Ugh...



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