The TLT Event

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It’s been a month since Alex and Logan saw each other but they never lose contact with each other. Logan sometimes calls Alex. There are times when Alex does.

            Logan was sitting on their couch when he heard their phone rang. His mom, Lisa, answered it.

            “Hello? Lisa Lerman speaking, who’s this?” Lisa said. She waited for the person on the other line to answer then she said, “Okay, hang on a second. Logan! You have a call.”

            “Okay, I’m coming.” Logan said. “Hello?”

            “Hey, Logan, it’s me Chris.” Chris Columbus said.

            “Oh, Chris. What’s up?” Logan said.

            “I just want to inform you about the incoming event for our film. We’re about to present the first ever lightning billboard.” Chris said.

            “Wow! Lightning billboard. When’s that?” Logan asked.

            “October 28 here in LA. I already invited Pierce, Melina, and Kevin.” Chris said.

            “Oh. Wait, can we also invite Alex? I mean, she’s one of the main casts.” Logan said.

            “Of course, no problem. Just inform her. I’ll be very busy and I might forget to call her. So I’m passing the responsibility to you. Okay?” Chris said.

            “Sure. I’ll call her immediately. I’m so excited for it.” Logan said.

            “Okay. I’ll see you in the event. Bye.” Chris said.

            “Okay. Bye.” Logan said and dialed Alex number. Logan waited for Alex to answer. In just a second, Alex answered.

            “Hello? Alex here.” Alex said.

            “Hey, Al, it’s me Logan. I have exciting news for you.” Logan said.

            “Wow, you’re now calling me ‘Al’. haha! Anyway, what is it?” Alex said.

            “Well, I just got a call from Chris and he said that we will present the first ever lightning billboard here in LA. We need to be there along with the other casts.” Logan said.

            “Wow! That’s really something. When?” Alex said excitingly.

            “October 28th. So, are you going?” Logan asked.

            “Yeah, sure. I’m so excited!!” Alex said.

            “Me too. So I’ll see you soon there?” Logan said.

            “Yes. Okay, I have to go. I just need to do something. Bye.” Alex said.

            “Bye.” Logan said and then turned off the phone.

            A week later. The day of the event.

            Logan is really getting impatient. He’s really waiting for Alex to arrive. Pierce Brosnan saw him and approached him.

            “Hey, Logan. You look so worried. You should be excited.” Pierce said.

            “Alex is not yet here. She should be here by now.” Logan said.

            “Hey, relax. She’s from New York, you know?  Oh, look who’s here.” Pierce said looking at Alex. Logan left Pierce and immediately went to Alex.

            “Al! What took you so long? I’ve been so worried!” Logan said.

            “Sorry. It’s the traffic. Am I really that late?” Alex asked.

            “No. Not really. But we’re about to start. C’mon.” Logan said.

            The event was full of paparazzi and of course, their fans who are screaming Logan’s and Alex’s name. It was really a successful one. All of them had a good time that night even though they’re very tired.

--this one is not a good story. sorry.--

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