The Comeback

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It's 6 am in the morning and Logan is already awake. He decided to clean their new house. He wants everything to be perfect when Alex arrives. That's what he do all day long.


Who is it? Is it Alex?, Logan thought. Logan opened the door and he saw her sister, Lindsey.

"Hey Linds. What are you doing here?" he said.

"Checking on you, of course. Wow. This house is good." she said while roaming on the house.

"Well, that's what Alex likes. She wants the paint of the house to be white. She also wants the lawn to be clean." he said.

"Logan, you know that there's a possibility that she will not come back into you." she said.

"Linds. What are saying? I know Alex still loves me. I know it. I know she'll be back." he said.

"I just don't want you to get hurt." she said.

"I won't. I promise." he said.

"Wait. You cleaned the house all by yourself?" she asked.

"Yes. I did it for Alex." he said.

"Wow. Who would've thought you could clean a house?" she said.

"That hurts." he said then smiled.

"Ok. I'm gonna go. I'll meet David later. You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'm good. Don't worry about me." he said.

"Ok. Call me. I want to know what happened. Clear?" she said.

"Clear, Madam Lindsey Lerman." he said.

"Good. Bye." she said then walked out of the door.

"Bye. Have fun." he said.


"Hey. Aren't you going to pack your bags?" Zara asked.

"What? Uhm..I don't know." Alex said.

"Come on, Alex. You should have your decision by now." Dakota said.

"I don't know. All I want right now is to watch t.v." Alex said.

Dakota snatched the remote control to Alex then turned the tv off.

"Why did you do that?!" Alex said.

"Because you're acting like shit." Dakota said.

"You know what? I'm going to get some sleep." Alex stood up then went to her bedroom.

Before Alex entered the room, Dakota spoke, "Do you know why Dean and I broke up?"

Alex turned around to face Dakota and she asked, "Why?"

"He made a mistake. Just like what Logan did. He pleaded for my forgiveness. He wants us to get back together. I refused. I told him I've had enough. I still love him. I really do. But I let my ego decide for me. So I left him. It's just one mistake, Alex. Compare that one mistake to all of the things he sacrificed for you just to be with you. Look. It's already 8 in the evening. You can still come back to him. He must be waiting for you. Don't wait till he gets tired and look for someone else. Go Alex. Just go. Give him a chance. One last chance." Dakota said.

"But I'm scared. I don't want to cry again." Alex said, crying.

"That's part of it. If you don't cry, that's not true love. That's the whole point of loving someone. You laugh, you cry, you get mad. You experience different things. If I have to cry a thousand times just to get Dean back, I'll do it. You still got a chance." Dakota said.

"You're right. I should be going. That's the right thing to do." Alex said.

"We don't know if it's the right thing. I think it's what you want to do." Dakota said.

"Hail to our love guru, Dakota." Zara teased.

Dakota threw a pillow to Zara. Go Alex!" Dakota said.

Alex gets her stuff then left.


9 pm....

Logan was sitting on the couch. staring blankly at the wine that's on the table.

"It's 9 pm. She'll never be back." he said then laughed.

He laughed so hard until he cried. He just decided to get drunk.

"Way to go, Logan. Logan the great. You know how to mess things up." he said while holding a bottle of beer and looking at his picture with Alex.

"You know what, Alex? You're the beeeessttt girlfriend ever. You make me laugh. You make me happy. And now you're gone. Because of my stupidity. Isn't it great?! Alex answer me!" Logan said to the picture of Alex.

Logan turned on his phone to get some music. "Yeah!!! That's right! Let's party!"


"Who the fuck is it?" Logan went to the door. "Can't you see I'm having-" he was interrupted when he saw Alex.

"Logan, are you drunk?" Alex asked.

"Alex? No. It can't be. I must be dreaming. I know I'm drunk. Come in. Let's party. At least, I have you here with me in my dreams. Come." he said.

Alex went in. She saw that the house looks like what she wants. "Logan, you should get some rest. You're tired and drunk."

"No. Look, I know you're not real. The real Alex will never come back. Never. Ever. Ever. Ever. Wait. Isn't it the song of Taylor Swift? That's one of Alex's favorite singer. Maybe that's already our break-up song." Logan laughed.

"Do you love Alex more than anyone else?" Alex asked.

"You have no idea how much I love her." Logan said.

Alex smiled a bit. "Logan please get rest."

"Ok. I'll get rest but promise not to leave me." he said.

"I promise." she said then Logan fell asleep on the couch while Alex watched him.

A/N: Sorry guys...i am really busy right now. Hope you like it. I'll update as soon as I can. Thank you!!!

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