The Confession

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After that date, Logan decided to confess his feelings to Alex. But the problem is he doesn’t know how to do that. So, he went to his bestfriend, Dean Collins.

            “Hey, Dean.” Logan said.

            “Logan! What are you doing here?” Dean said.

            “I just want your advice.” Logan said.

            “Advice? For what?” Dean said.

            “Look. I’m in love with this girl and I really don’t know how to tell her. I’m afraid it’ll ruin our friendship.” Logan said.

            “Wow. Who’s this lucky girl?” Dean said.

            “Well, her name is…Alexandra. Alexandra Daddario.” Logan said.

            “You don’t say…wait…is she your…cast mate?” Dean said.

            “Yeah…that’s her.” Logan said. “Dean, I need your help. I really need to act now before it’s too late.”

            “Okay. Well, if you’ll ask me, I’ll date her and then I’ll confess my feelings.” Dean said.

            “That’s it?” Logan asked.

            “Yeah. That’s what I’ll do. It’s a romantic date, by the way.” Dean said.

            “Maybe I’ll try that.” Logan said. “Okay. Thanks, Dean. I have to go. I need to plan about this. Bye.”

            When he came home, Logan thought of confessing his feelings on a beach. The next day, he went to this beach and he prepared it himself.

            He’s been doing that all day. He really wants it to be so special for both of them. Everything is perfect. There are candles on the ground that will serve as their only light. There are also rose petals. Using those petals, he formed a heart shape. He’s really nervous. He began to call Alex.

            “Hello?” Alex answered.

            “Hey…Alex. Where are you?” Logan asked.

            “Oh..Logan. uhm.. I’m in L.A right now. I had a meeting with some executives. You know what?” Alex said.

            “What?” Logan said.

            “I’m going to do this movie. It’s called ‘Texas Chainsaw 3D’! It’s a remake, by the way. And I’m going to be on white collar again.” Alex said.

            “Really? Wow! That’s good. So proud of you.” Logan said then he paused. “Uhm, Alex?”

            “Yes?” Alex said.

            “Do you mind if…I’ll invite you to…dinner? It’s not in my house. It’s somewhere…special.” Logan said.

            “No, it’s okay. I really don’t mind having dinner with you. I mean, that’s what friends do. Having dinner together. Haha.” Alex said.

            Logan seems to be hurt a little. “Oh…okay. So I’ll just pick you up, okay. I’m on my way.” Logan said.

            After an hour…

            He went to her hotel room. He knocked and she opened the door. She was dressed so beautifully. She was like an angel to him. So they drove to this ‘special place’.

            When they reached their destination, Alex asked, “Uhm…Logan? A beach? What are we doing here?”

            “Yes. This is the special place. Come with me.” Logan said while holding her hand.

            Alex saw this table with candles and rose petals on the ground. For her, this looks like a romantic date.

            “Logan? What’s the meaning of all this?” Alex asked.

            “Look. Alex… I need to tell you something.” Logan said.

            “Okay. Tell me.” Alex said.

            “I’m in love with you.” Logan said.

            Alex was shocked. She did not expect this to happen. ‘Did he just say that he’s in love with me? Of all the girls out there, why me?’ Alex thought.

            Logan began to feel nervous because he can see the shock in her face. So he said, “You don’t have to say anything. I just think that…I should tell you.”

            “When? When did you realize that you’re in love with me?” Alex asked.

            “I know it the first time I laid my eyes on you. The first time I met you back at that restaurant with Chris. I just don’t want to admit it to myself. I tried to distract myself. I mean, there’s no way you will love me back. I’m just an eighteen year-old boy. I’m no match for you.” Logan said.

            “Logan, I like you. I don’t know if this is going to work. You’re right. You’re just 18. Look at me. I’m already 24. Don’t you want some other younger girls out there? For sure, they’re a lot prettier than me.” Alex said.

            Logan became silent. After a few minutes, he said, “Are you rejecting me?”

            Alex can see the hurt in his eyes and it made her feel so bad. It’s like tearing her heart to pieces. She said, “I’m sorry. Logan.”

            Logan can’t help it. He began to cry. He is just so desperate so he went down on his knees and said, “Please, Alex, just think about it. Please. Please. Please. I’ll do everything you want me to do. Everything.”

            Alex was really hurt to see him this way. She said, “Please, Logan, stand up.”

            “No. I won’t stand up until you say that you’re going to think about it.” Logan said.

            “Okay. I’ll think about it.” Alex said.

            Logan stood up and hugged Alex. “Thank you.”

            “Logan, I can’t promise you anything.” Alex said.

            “All I want is for you to think about it first.” Logan said.

            They had dinner and then they parted ways.

            When Logan reached his home, he immediately went to his bed and cried. He looked at all of their pictures together and said, “I lose.”

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