Chapter 29

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Kellins p.o.v

"Kell, talk to me... Please?" My mom urges me for what feels like the thousandth time, but I am far too hurt to speak at this moment, hell! I am probably going to be mute for eternity. currently, I am trying to focus on the little cat sitting in my lap, purring in pleasure as I scratch lightly behind her ears.

"Is it Vic? Did you get in a fight...? Or?" She asks. Oh fuck it! I give in. I am honestly not used to talking to her in this way (by "this way" I mean an actual heart-to-heart conversation) , since she used to be always hiding away in her room, rarely ever showing herself unless it was to get more alchohol.

"Yes, he broke a very important promise..."

I feel my mom shift on my bed, "Oh. Is this the first time? He has ever done anything like that?"

I shake my head, "First time."

"Well then. Did he explain to you?"

"Not really. I ran out before he could." I feel ashamed of admitting that. I should be, I shouldn't have ran out on him.

"Well that wasn't fair at all. Everyone deserves to have the right to explain themselves Kellin."

Before I could say anything , my phone cut me off. The cheesy ringtone sliced through the air.

Tony the screen read.

A wave of anxiety washed over me instantly, but I have no reason to be nervous right? Everything is fine.

I sigh, relaxing my body.

"Answer it!" My mom pushes me.

I press the screen after giving her a "chill the fuck out" look.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"K-kellin?" Tonys cracked voice sung through the receiver, making my heart sink into my stomach, "Vic is in the hospital..." my heart is physically hurting now as Tony sobs the last five words, "he tried to kill himself."

I drop the phone in my rush, Boo hisses as he falls to the ground in a thump. I break down, my legs go weak as I try to get to the door. I fail to reach it as I fall to the floor in a fit of sobs, I clutch my chest and wheeze in and out. My heart feels like it has been jabbed with a knife uncountable times.

"Kellin, I'll drive you to the hospital. Come on, get up love..." I hear my mom barely, the sound of my cries muffling her words. I feel her small hand grab my arm and pull me up from the hardwood floor.

Goddamn is she working out?

I gather myself as best as I can as we make our way to the car.

Oli's p.o.v

I should be used to the feeling of being in a hospital considering my parents are doctors, but right now in the circumstance I am in here for, I feel really uncomfortable. The nurses that took Vic into the emergency room have yet to come out and give us information on how Vic is doing, leaving us in the waiting room. The air is so tense, none of us have uttered a word since we got into the car. Mike and Tony are wrecks, really all of us are. Vics parents are here as well, Mrs Fuentes has not stopped crying and this is the first time I have seen Papa Fuentes not smile. I cant imagine what they are feeling right now.

A very pretty doctor enters the waiting room and all of us stand up abruptly.

"You must be Vic's family, I'm Vanessa. Vics doctor," she says, smiling softly.

"Hello. How is he?" Papa Fuentes asks, holding his melancholy wife.

"He is responding well to our treatment. We pumped his stomach. You kids are lucky you found him in time," Vanessa looks to us four.

We all seem to let out a breath of relief simultaneously. Hes okay! I pull Frankie to me and hug her as tight as I can without breaking her.

I hear the door to the waiting room fly open so hard it creates a loud bang!

All heads turn toward the person who just made a pretty grave scene.

Low and behold, the person who really should have stayed home.

Kellin Quinn


ahhhh kellin u got a storm commin.

i really dislike my mom rn

long story short she caused a scene in petco so i never got my snake

f u mother.

ok so 5secondsof_fvckme got into my story cuz she slipped me into hers (: yay

even tho she didnt read my last chapter. .-.

jk i still love you

stay strong i love you

remember to stay out of gangs.

gangs r bad

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