Chapter 5

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Vics p.o.v

I was in the kitchen, doing the dishes, when I heard his voice. And good lord jesus, let me tell you somthing, its probably the most beautiful singing voice I have ever heard. And I thought my singing voice was good!

I walked down the stairs slowly, not wanting to disturb him and make him stop his beautiful song.

And here I am now, he has just sung the last word, and his eyes finally found mine. His faced drained its color, and his eyes got wide.

"HOLY MONKEY BALLS!! THAT WAS AMAZING!!!" Mike exclaims while jumping from his seat on the ground, quickly followed by Oli who starts to clap rather hard.

"YOUR VOICE IS GORGEOUS!" Oli yells, pretending to wipe away fake tears.

Kellin blushes. "Thanks guys." He looks at me. And Mike must have followed his gaze because he turns to me.


"I did, Kellin you have an amazing voice! Where did you learn that?" When I say this he blushes even harder, I can't help but admire how fucking adorable he looks. Wait, did I really just-?

"Uh, my old neighbor loved music and she got me into it," Kellin says quietly, looking down.

"Vic here sings, and plays guitar, thats his guitar right there," Mike points at my guitar that has a white background with green splatters, "and I play those drums, we kinda play around a bit with our friend Tony, we do covers and shit. You should come over one day and we can call up Tone and we can play together!"

"Yeah that sounds cool, what do you think Kellin?" I ask.

"Uh. Sure," he says finally looking up.

"SWEET!" Mike says alittle too loudly.

"Calm ya tits you tacofuck" Oli says while shoving him from behind.

Kellins p.o.v

Did they just actually invite me to play with them?

I honestly wasn't expecting this at all.

"What do you wanna play?" Mike asked us, opening a cupboard full of video games, "we've got COD, Halo, GTA-" Mike was cut off by Oli.

"GTA! GTA!" Oli chanted.

"YEAH! GTA!" Vic exclaimed, he and Oli were both plopped on the bean bags while I was sitting awkwardly on the couch.

"Kellin? Are you okay with GTA?" Mike asks me.

"Uh, sure," I shrug, "I've never played it though."

"Oh you'll love it! You get to kill people, and go to strip clubs and buy prostitutes!" Oli exclaims, looking back at me. I also notice that Vic is looking back too, staring at me.

I smile at Oli, and he smiles back at me and I swear Vic shoots him a look. Oli doesn't notice it though.

"ALLRIGHHHTT LETS PLAY!" Mike says while putting in the game and jumping onto the couch next to me, almost making me fall off.

Mike hands me a controller, which has like 5000 buttons on it.

"Uhh..." I say unsurely, "you remember that I have never played this before right?" I ask Mike.

Mike looks over at me "Oh! Right. Well you use these buttons to move," he says while pointing at the one thingy, "this to shoot," points to another, "and these to do various things, but don't worry they'll show you on the screen!" Mike says.

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