Chapter 1

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Kellins P.O.V
"Beep beep beep"
"Ugh" I groan. I turn over to look at the alarm clock on my night stand.
6:30 it read. I had about a half an hour to get ready for the first day at my new school, and let me tell you something, I sure as hell am not excited. I have so many nerves going through me. Mostly nervous ones, but also excited ones. Because you never know, there may be a cute guy there. (Yup I'm gay, shocker)

I take a shower and blow dry my hair. I don't really bother straightening it because I don't have a lot of time since i took a pretty long shower. I then put on a pair of ripped black jeans and a red and black flannel and put on my toms and made my way to school.

I only lived about a mile or two from school so i could just walk there. I didn't even bother asking my mom because she is:
1. Still asleep
2. If she were to have been up she would either be throwing up because she would be so damn hung over.
3. She would have made me walk if she were to be up, because shes a lazy bitch.

As I was walking a car drove past me, its windows were open and it was blaring Blink 182. I didn't have a lot of time to look at the people in it because it was driving so fast, but all i knew was it was packed with a bunch of humans. And i also had taken into realization that the people in the car were from my new school because it had a Mission Bay sticker on the bumper and it turned onto the street the school was on. I immediately was struck with nervous butterfly's as the school came into view. It was rather big, and a whole bunch of kids were jumping out of buses and going into the school.

"Oh lord.." I said to myself.

I entered the school (still alive surprisingly) and made my way to the office like the welcome email said. It wasn't really hard to locate the office because it was pretty much inside the door. As I walked in i was greeted by a tall man who must be the principle.

"Kellin Quinn i assume?" The tall bald man said.

"Yes sir" i replied. He must be wearing a shit load of cologne because I can sure as hell smell it from here and im standing 2 and a half feet away.

"Mr. Coyel" he reached out his huge ass hand which I shook politely.

Jesus he smells like a fricken try-hard thirteen year old.

He reaches for something on his desk, which seemed pretty organized.

"This is your daily schedule, we have no A or B days like you may have when you were at your old school, we have 8 periods which are 45 minutes each, not including home room," he said.

"Okay, thank you" and i made my way to homeroom. Sweet, we don't have those bullshit A/B days, i thought to myself as I walked to my locker.

"Ouch, fuck" I yelped as i accidentally ran into someone, making him drop his books.

"Oh man, i am so sorry i didn't mean to!" I said as i looked at the tall skinny dude i just ran into. He had long straightened hair that fell to his shoulders and he was wearing a snap back that was turned backwards. He has piercings on his face and tattoos. He looked like someone my grandma would warn me to not hang out with.

"No dude its okay, dont sweat it" he said, "hey, i never have seen you around here, are you new or something?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. This is my first day here. Im Kellin Quinn" i introduced myself. Surprisingly this guy is really nicer than he looks.

"Im Mike, where you headed to?" He asked.

"Uh Mrs. McDougals homeroom, Im not very good with maps" i said holding up the piece of paper that Mr. Cologne gave me which was a lousy excuse for a damn map.

"Oh thats my homeroom too! Sweet, here follow me" he said gesturing me to follow him.

While we were walking to class i got a feeling that this wouldn't be a bad year after all.

Hey guys, bear with me now this is my first ever fanfic and im feeling pretty good about it even tho no one is probably gonna read this but i have hopes baha. So i hope u enjoy it cuz i have plans for this ;)

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