Chapter 15

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Hey guys I found Vics To Do list!!!!!

(Friday Afternoon)
Kellins p.o.v

"Do you guys want Subway?" Tay asked through the phone. She was on her way here, we were going to take her to Andy's party. I know its only noon but we all wanted her to come early.

"Hold on, let me ask." I say. I look up at all of the guys eyes glued to the huge flatscreen, they're watching Star Wars. Obviously Tonys choice. "Subway?" I ask, and all of their heads snap towards me. I am attacked with enthusiastic shouts, "HELL YEAH I AM STARVING!" and, "FUCK YEAH LAD!" and, "TELL TAY SHE IS A SAINT!"

"Jesus, subway it is! Text me what you guys want I am about to pull into Subway," Tay says and I hang up. We pass my phone around, each of us type in what we want. I look over at Oli who is sitting next to me, his nose is in his phone, texting.

"Jesus Ol, you haven't stopped texting Frankie all morning!" I exclaim. He looks up at me after he is finished typing his little message. He blushes lightly and runs a hand through his hair, "Yeah.."

"Isn't she a little young?" Vic points out from next to me and I jab a finger to his side, casuing him to yelp and pout at me. Oli looks down at his hands.

"What?! Vic hush, they are just two years appart what the fuck! Plus there is no such thing as too young," Mike says from the bean bag chair, glaring at Vic.

"Don't think about age, if you like her you go for it. Nothing else should matter," I smile at Oli and I see him relax.

"Don't listen to me! I know nothing!" Vic says playfully. Oli chuckles.

"Froli forever!" Tony says, pumping a fist in the air. Mike kisses him on the cheek, "I like that! Froli!"

Oli's face turns a deep shade off pink, and he puts his face in his hands and groans, "Shut up you gay people!"

By now we are chanting "FROLI!" we dont even realise Tay coming down the stairs.

"Oh my god is that the ship name?" Tay says, laughing.

"FOOD!" Oli yells, hoping up from the couch and grabbing the bag of subs from Tay.

"Yes you bet your sweet ass it is!" Tony says cheerfuly, "I made it up!"

"THREE POINTS FOR RAVENCLAW!" Mike exclaims, awarding Tony a kiss. We all laughed at Mikes cheesy HP reference.

We all eat our food peacefully, Tay even brought us sodas and shit.

"Thank you Tay!" I say, leaning on her. She smiles, her cheeks full of sub. She smiles. The room then was filled with "thank you Tay's" most of them were mumbles because we were stuffing our faces. Moose is hovering us, waiting for someont to drop something for him to eat. "Did you feed Moose today? Vic asks Mike and he nods.

"Why isn't Frankie comming?" Oli whines. Mike and Vic started to 'OoooooOooOooO' and me and Tony wiggled our eyebrows at him. He ignored us, looking at Tay waiting for her to answer. She swallowed her sub, "She dosn't really like parties, they make her anxious. She didn't really inherit my Party genes." Tay shrugs. Oli nods and continues eating his sub.

"She should have came, we would have been with her the whole time." Vic says. Tay nods, "I know. I tried but she wouldn't give it. Besides, mom would probably kill me if she found out that I took her to a Senior/Junior party."

"She looks like a damn Junior!" Mike points out and we all nod.

"Fine, I am gonna call her right now!" Tay gives in and pulls nout her phone from her bookbag. She puts the phone on speaker and sets it in the middle of the circle formation that we are sitting in. Frankie picks up on the second ring.

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