Chapter 11

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Mikes p.o.v

"FOK!" Oli shouted out, I beat him yet again in Fifa.

I tell him to shhh. I don't want Vic to wake up. He deserves his sleep.

"Mike, why dosn't anyone like me?" Oli asks, rather randomly. I look over at him, raising my eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I ask, "I bet a lot of girls like you, probably just too afraid to show it." I mean Oli is a handsom guy, not my type though. I'm into dark haired guys that love turtles and Star Wars movies.

Oli sighs, "I am such a third wheel.."


"D-do you think you're gay?" I ask, knowing the answer is probably no.

"Uh.. I dont know.." Oli says quietly. My eyes widen and I jump from my seat in the bean bag chair.

"DUDE REALLY THATS HUGE OHMYGOD OLI WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" I say a bit too loudly. I mean fuck! This is huge, "wait, then why do you always make those gay insults and me and Vic?"

"I guess I just was denying it. Like I can't be gay. I've had a few girl friends in the past," Oli puts the controller down and rubs his eyes.

"Then you're bisexual!" I exclaim, raising my arms, "HUG ME BROTHA!"

Oli chuckles and standas up, and hugs me. We slowly part and our lips brush.

"Uh... Woah dude!" I say, wide eyed as I push awawy from Oli.

Oli's face gets red, "Mike, I swear I didn't mean to!" Oli starts to panic.

"Uh... Guys? Whats going on?" both me and Olis heads dart to the steps of the basement. Vic just saw what had happened.

"Uh... Oli's bisexual!" I blurt out, my face feeling really hot.

"And you helped him by kissing him?! Guys, I mean like you guys can have fun and all but handle yourselves god damn.. Mike you-!" Vic was cut off by Oli.

"Vic it was an accident!"

"Yeah we didn't mean it. We all know I love Tony, okay? Lets just never speak of it again," I cut in, rubbing the back of my neck, flustered as fuck.

Oli and Vic nod their heads. I let out a sigh, "Vic, how are you feelin' bud?"

I walk over to him and wrap my long arm around his shoulders, "I'm fine." He says, looking at me with his big brown eyes that he inherited from dad.

"Lets go upstairs, you have to take your medicine," I lead him up the stairs to the kitchen where I put the bottle of pills Mr. Lucker gave me.

Vic groans, "they taste like shit though!"

 I put both of my hands on Vics shoulders and look him in the eyes, "Don't you dare start this shit Vic! I can't have you depressed as fuck again, Okay? I need you! Kellin needs you! You mean so much to me okay? It will kill me! I won't be the same if you fall back into those old habits. Mom and Dad will be hurt as well! You don't want that, do you?!,"  Vic's eyes start to swell with diamond tears. I pull him in for a big hug. I look at Oli behind Vic, he's standing in the doorway of the kitchen. His face is stained with tears. What a softy.

Vic cries into my chest, drenching my MCR shirt. He sniffles and looks up at me, "I don't want that. I won't, Mike."

"Good, I love you big brother."

"Love you too little bro."

I hear a loud sniffle, I look and  see Oli drying his tears with his grey shirt, "Dont pay any mind to me lads, just sobbing my heart out... The feels man!" Oli wails.

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