Chapter 20

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vic stahp

Kellins p.o.v

It has been a month, and Frankie is still in the coma. Oli got out a week after he got in, but he had to take it easy. We went to school, but Oli would never talk and I would see tears fall down his face during class. My heart ached, he dosen't deserve to feel the way he does.

Currently, we are all sitting around Frankie in the hospital, its thanksgiving break. Tay is softly crying, looking at her sister who is hooked up to all of these machines. Her heart beat monitor the only sound in the room besides a few sniffles here and there from the ones who are crying. Which is pretty much everyone. Even Jack and Alex are here. I lean back into Vic whos arms are wrapped around me. Oli starts to sob, "Frankie... Come back to me.." his head is laying on her stomach, "I need you love.." I start to cry harder and I feel Vics breath get shaky. The room is thick with sadness and mourn. This didn't deserve to happen to them. They got hit by a drunk driver, the man died on impact. It is so selfish how people can just do that and not risk only their lives, but others too.

A nurse walks in and says, "Visiting hours are over, I am sorry but you all have to leave now."

I frown and look back at Vic, his eyes are puffy from tears. We all file out of the hospital room and go back to our cars, not a word was said between any of us.


"There is going to be a winter ball at school," tony says, peering at his phone. The light brightening his face in the darkness of the room. We are all watching Coraline yet again.

"Yuck." Mike says. We are all in our own very bad mood. After the accident most of us haven't been ourselves. Mike would have his moments though, beacuse well, he is Mike.

"We have to go, Juniors and Seniors are required to go," Vic says, his arm around me. I am laying on him, I look up at his adorable tan Sexican face, "But.. I don't wannaa" I whine

He looks down sternly at me, "Sorry Kell," he places a kiss on my forehead. I really dont want to. Dances make me anxious. The last dance I went to was at my old school and I just stood by the wall watching everyone. I guess you could call me a wallflower.

Olis p.o.v

The next day I go early in the morning to see Frankie. I would do anything to make her wake up. I feel empty with out her, its like someone tore a piece of my heart out. She is my world. If she never eakes up I will literally die from a broken heart.

I speed walk to the front desk and receive the little name tag you have to get and write my name on it and head off down the huge hallways towards the love of my life who is practically struggling to live.

I plan on singing Frankie a song I have written for her. I wrote it right after I got out of this hospital for souls.

I walk in to Frankies room, 666A. (I know, creepy)

She has one of those mouth breathing things on, and her black hair is surrounding her pale face. It brings tears to my eyes seeing her like this.

I walk to her and sit down in the chair next to her bed.

"Hey, love. I wrote you a song. I really miss you and I hope you wake up soon," I grab her cold hand, and rub my thumb across her nuckles. I look at our hands and wait so I can gather myself before I let the words flow out of my mouth.

What doesn't kill you makes you wish you were dead.
Got a hole in my soul, growing deeper and deeper.
And I can't take one more moment of this silence.
The loneliness is haunting me.
And the weight of the world's getting harder to hold up.

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