Chapter 3

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whoop whoop! surprise update ! yeah i was bored and i wanted to update so here you go (yup u bet your sweet ass thats a picture of fetus vic, thats what I'm imagining him looking like in this fic) sorry if this update sucks.

I walk out of my fifth period class towards the bathrooms where Tay told me to meet her so I could walk to lunch with her. I have no clue where the cafeteria is so shes going to have to show me. Thank god we have the same lunch period.

As I near the bathrooms I can see her sitting against the wall looking at her phone, scrolling down some site.

She looks up as if she could sense me comming.


"Yup," I reply.

We made our way down the hall. I try to remember the way just in case. Even though I will probably always walk with her, hopefully, every time we go to lunch.

As we near the cafeteria I start to hear the loud buzz of people talking, along with the smell of whatever food the lunch ladies are serving... Mmm pizza.

I follow Tay to the lunch line. The very tall guy in front of us turns around and notices Tay.

"Hey Jardine!" he says, he has short dark brown hair, a nose ring, and is at least over six feet tall. Tay legit has to look directly up at this guy.

"Hey Austin!" she says in surprise excitement while jumping up to hug him, "long time no see!"

While they talk, I decide to look around at the lunch tables for Mike and Oli. I see many different groups, there's one group I guess is the orchestra because some have their violins and violas out, while the others watched and judged on how they do, there are cheerleaders dressed in their cheer atire, there are geeks, goths, yearbook club, and then my eyes fell on Mike and Oli, they're sitting with a few other people. I recognize Jaime and Alex and Jack, but there are a few who have their back to me so I couldn't see their face. All I know is that one of them have rather long wavy-ish brown hair that fell to the end of his neck and is wearing an all black backwards hat. I cock my head, trying to get a look at his face. Ugh, no luck.

"This is Kellin! He is new," Tay says, diverting my attention away from Mikes table.

"Hey man!" Austin says in a friendly tone.

"Hello," I wave awkwardly. Goddammit Kellin.

"This is Austin, I've known him since pre k," Tay says.

Austin chuckles, "we go way back."

I give a weak smile. Remembering how I've been a loner all my life. Just an ugly duckling who no one wanted to be around.

The lunch lady asked in a raspy old voice what I wanted, snapping me out of my depressed thoughts. I have a choice of pizza or salad. I go with the pizza. Even though I am no longer hungry.

I follow Tay and Austin to the table. Mike looks up.

"Aye! Tay, Austin, Kell!" Mike exclaims in his cheerful voice.

Oli smiles up at us, and the guy who is wearing the black backwards hat turns around. I froze, and my heart stops. He is absolutely fucking gorgeous. He has beautiful hair, eyes, and fucking beautiful everything. He has tan skin, like Mikes, and brown eyes that are the shade of hot chocolate. I've never seen a guy this gorgeous in my life.

"Hey guys have you all met Kellin? He's new so don't be mean or I'll stab you in the throats," Mike says.

Mr. PerfectGorgeousSexy looks at me, and smiles. Oh god his smile. It could make Satan himself smile in awe. I felt like my legs were gonna give in. This dude has a legit affect on me.

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