Chapter 17

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I love that picture more than I love my family...

Vics p.o.v

"Chirp chirp!"

I groan and reach my hand out, only to grab something firm and round, huh? this isnt my phone! I lift my head up and see that my hand is on Tay's tit.

"AHH GOD NO!" I scream. EW girl parts. I shiver in discomfort. God I am so gay. Kellin stirs ontop of me, his head looking up from my chest. "Whats wrong?" he groans in a sleepy voice.

I shiver in disgust, "I reached for my phone but ended up grabbing Tays left boob!" Kellin scoffs and chuckles, "nice, and also here is your phone," his hands slides down besides him and picks up my black Iphone.

I click on the screen and see that I have an email from the school. I tap the icon and the email pops up:


I look up at the clock on the top of my screen, 9:00.

Oh shit!

"Kellin! Off! We have to hurry!" I exclaim, nudging him to the side. He whines, "Whyyyyy?"

"We have to get our equipment there by 10 and its 9!" I scurry to my guitar case, "Help me get every one up! We need alot of help!"

Kellin sits up and starts to clap, "WAKE UP YOU HOBOS!"

I unlatch my guitar case as I set it down by my white and green guitar. I hear groans of protest and some mumbling from the people behind me.

"DON'T YOU SASS ME!" I hear Kellin yell. I chuckle as I carefully set my guitar in the case, rubbing the fuzzy material on the inside because why not? It's so fricken soft!

Tony sulks over to his guitar which is styled a lot like mine, accept the backround of his is black instead of white.

"Morning sleeping beauty!" I chirp, he gives me a cheeky grin in reply. I decide to be nice, "I shall get your case for ya, Turtle."

"Aw thanks Viccy!" Tony says, bringing his hands to his face. Squeezing his irrisistibly chubby cheeks.

I walk to his gutiar case that looks exactly like mine (we got our guitars together if you couldn't tell)

Mike I notice is taking apart his drum set and putting his drums in their cases, I hear him mumbling complaints. He is such a complainer! God!

I give Tony his case and he thanks me. I see Frankie is already ready and is sitting on Oli's lap on the couch, Tay is sitting next to them.

"Are we taking my car?" Tay asks, I nod. "But we are gonna have to take two cars, we will also take mine."

I walk with my guitar up the steps and out of the house. I place my guitar in the trunk and I see Frankie walking out of the house with her case in her hand. I take it from her and place it in the trunk as well, being sure to push both of our guitars back to make as much space as possible.

"Are you ready?" Frankie asks from beside me, I look at her and nod, "I hope so." Honestly, I am nervous. The largest crowd I have ever played for was just my parents and grandparents. If you are wondering what in the world I could be scared about, it is mistakes. I hate having things not going my way. I will kill myself, I will run myself into the ground to get what I want. And this shit better go as planned or else I will not be a happy Victor.

"We will do great, I am sure of it," Frankie says with a smile. I shrug and lean against the car "yeah."

Tony trots out of the house, his case in hand. I let him put it in himself, he is VERY protective of his guitar.

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