Chapter 18

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that picture has me having unholy thoughts...

Kellins p.o.v

"Kellin go see what Vic is doing he is taking too long!" Mike groans, "I want to get wasted!"

"Okay!" I chirp happily, little did I know I was about to get my heart pissed on.

Here I am now, staring in utter discomposure at my boyfriend being kissed by his ex. Jaime has him pinned to the wall. The part that has me most in pain is that Vic dosen't even look like he is fighting it! He looks like he is enjoying it. I cover my mouth, choking back a sob. My feet feel like lead.

Jaime parts his lips from Vic and looks at me with a sinister grin. I feel tears fall down my cheeks as Vic looks at me, my lip quivers.

"Kellin-!" Vic moves towards me but I run back down the steps. No...

I burst through the door, hoping to god he wont follow me. I just need to get away.

I run, the only sound is the stomp of my feet on the concrete sidewalk. I look back to see no one following me. I slow to a walk, then a halt. My knees give out and I fall to the hard ground. I let out the sobs I was holding back at the house.

I hate myself. I knew it. I wasn't good enough, I never will be. I'm just a would've been, should've been, never was, and never ever fucking will be!

"Kell?" a familiar woman's voice says from next to me. I look up and see that my mom has pulled up next to me in her silver car. "What are you doing, flower? Whats wrong? Get in the car." My mom has a concerned look on her face as she waves her hand at me.

I rise from my knees and walk around to the passenger side and hop in, "Nothing, just people being mean thats all.." I lie. And my mom notices it.

"Lies!!" She pulls away from the side of the road. I notice that she is wearing paint splattered sweat pants and peace sign ear rings along with a Beatles hoodie. What the hell has gotten into her? She has taken in painting, she got a job at an art studio down town. Instead of drinking she has been painting. Its not like I am not happy for her, I really am! It's just that it is unusual.

"What has been going on with you?" I ask, looking over at her. She really looks great. SHe dosen't have the usual bags uner her eyes, and she has her youthful glow back, she had me at a very young age so shes one of those young moms. Her long black hair is no longer matted, it is in a really gorgeous french braid.

She smiles lightly, "I wanted to be a better person and I made this friend at work, and she has just helped me a lot. You know when I left for a while?" I nod. "It wasn't for work, I went to a rehab center."

My eyes widen, and I really just want to hug her. However, I can't because I want to live... Well I want my mom to.

"Mom! That is amazing! Why didn't you tell me?" I ask. She shrugs, "I dont know I didn't want to weird you out."

I shake my head, "I am so proud of you, mom. I love you."

She shift the car into Park and looks over at me and smiles, "I love you too, Kell." I lean over and embrace her in a hug. Tears sting my eyes.

"I am sorry Kellin..." My mom chokes down sobs. I shake my head, "It's okay mom." I pull back and see her eyes red from tears, "I was a horrible person... I can't believe I put you through that."

I shake my head, "No mom, it wasn't your fault. Don't blame it on youself."

She wipes away her tears and sighs, "You hungry?"

I nod, we were going to order pizza at Mikes but...

"Chinese?" Mom asks and I nod, "Chinese!"

Vics p.o.v

Kings For Forever [Kellic] boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now