Chapter 9

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PERRENTES !! the picture is like really recent omg BUT LOOK AT MIKES ARM ON TONYS LEG ASFGGSALL !

Vics p.o.v

(Time skip to Monday morning)

The weekend was absolute heaven. I spent it all with Kellin. It sucked when he had to leave Sunday afternoon, but i was greatful that i got to spend all Friday and saturday with him.

"Hurry Mike! We are going to be late!" I call up to Mike who is taking forever in the shower.

"Almost ready!"  he calls down the stairs.

Almost ready my ass, he said that 10 minutes ago.

Mike trotted down the stairs, "ready!" he smiles.

I roll my eyes and grab the keys that were hanging on their regular hook beside the front door.

We got to school, just in time thanks to me. As we get out of the car I see Kellin walking in. My first instinct was to run to him, but then I remember that I can't do that in school. Austin would ruin me.

"Dont you wanna say hi to your boyfriend?" Mike asks, nudging my shoulder. A crinkle formed in between his eyebrows as he looked at me in confusion.

I sigh and look at the ground, kicking a stray pebble on the school sidewalk, "you know I cant Mike, its best for me and him that we don't really talk in school."

Mike didn't answer, because he knows that I'm right. With what happened over the weekend, it would be best to stay seperate. Austin is pissed, and knowing him he will not stop untill he gets his revenge. I remember in eighth grade this kid told on Austin for cussing at lunch, and the next day the kiddidnt show up because he transfered schools.

I walk to my locker to pick up and drop off some books, and I hear someone walk up to me.

"Hi Vic," I look up and see Jack, with Alex by his side, of course.

"Hey guys," I smile genially, but both of them have traces of anxiousness on their faces. I raise my eyebrow in question. Alex and Jack look at eachother, then back at me.

What the hell is going on?

Jack gulps, "Uhm, Austin is really pissed," Jack says, "and he and Allan are planning something, and they sure as hell sound up to no good."

I cock my head, "why? We didn't really do anything. I stood up for Kellin, and Mike just defended me!" I state. What is Austins problem?

"You know Austin, Vic. He dosn't like to feel pushed around, and he likes to have the last say in stuff. Plus, I think they have Jaime in on it," Alex says in his quiet voice.

My eyes widen and my legs feel weak. Jaime? He knows way too much about me... We used to be a thing back when we were freshmen. If Austin finds out, he will tell all of the football team, hell, he'll tell the whole damn school! I run my hands through my long hair, I begin to sweat.

"Vic? Are you okay" Jack asks nervously.

I try to breath, but they just come out in wheezes. Oh god... I'm having a panic attack! I haven't had one of these in years.I feel like I'm dying. My legs soon give out, and I hit the ground.

Oli's p.o.v

"Alright lads, I'll see you later!" I wave good bye to my friends Andy L and Jenna.

I turn down the hallway towards Vics locker where I usually meet Mike and Tay, who will also now be acompanied by Kellin. I see Vic collapse infront of Jack Barakat and Alex Gaskarth.

"Vic!" I shout. I run to his body.

"What happened?!" Mike asks, appearing out of no where like he usually does, I swear he is real life Harry Potter.

I look at Jack and Alex for answers.

"He started to freak out after we told him the  Austin thing," Alex says with a worried expression. Mike picks Vic up with ease, considering how small he is.

"Hes having a panic attack," Mike says, "I'll take him to the nurse."

"I am gonna come with ya, I dont want to go to Mrs. Somma," I say with a disgusted look on my face, I hate that bitch. I start following Mike and the shaking Vic.

We get to the nurse, Mr. Lucker, who was just down the hall.

Mike places Vic on the bed, "He's having one of his panic attacks. He used to get them rather often, but he hasn't had one in a while," Mike says to the nurse, who nods.

"Has he been taking his medication?" Mr. Lucker asks.

"Uh... I don't think so?"  Mike says unsurely. I sat down next to Vic on the small bed, he has meraculously fallen asleep. I pet his fluffy hair.

"Well, make sure he starts to, because it could get worse again if he keeps refusing to take them," when Mr. Lucker says this, I imediately think back to the time when Vic had serious depression. It killed Mike and their family, and i don't want it to happen ever again. Vic stopped eating, and the panic attacks started. Mike also had a bad self harm addiction at that time too, but no one else knew about it but me. However, now that he has Tony I am pretty sure that will help him sobber up. And that makes me happy.

"I want Vic to go home and get some rest, could your parents possibly pick him up Mike?" Mr. Lucker asks. He is fishing around in a big cabinet for Vics medication. No homo though, but Mr. Lucker has a nice ass.

"Uh, no they arent gonna be home till later, sir," Mike says, looking at his phone.

"Could you drive him home then, and stay with him there? It wouldn't be a good idea to leave him there alone," Mr. Lucker says. Ugh no fair.

"Sure will!" Mike says happily, and I let out a huff of hair, agrivated as hell.

"Oli, you can too, to keep Mike company. I'll send out an Email," Mr. Lucker says with a kind smile. My face lights up like a damn Christmas tree, "THANKYOUSOMUCH!" I say hapily. Mr. Lucker is a really cool guy though. He has a shit load of tattoos, and has an amazing taste in music. Plus, he has a really cool name too, Mitch I think. It's kinda like one of those rock star names.

"Do you need help carrying him out, guys?" Mr. Lucker asks. Me and Mike laugh.

"Are you kidding?" Mike laughs as he lifts up Vic as if he was a feather.

"I know I'm just playin' with you," Mr. Lucker chuckles.

We wave good bye as we head out the main loby doors.

"Thank God I really didn't want to go to school today anyways!" Mike says.



- andre

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