Chapter 10

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lol and i said i wouldn't be having an update on xmas... what a liar i am cx

Mike's p.o.v 

When we got in the car the first thing I did was put in my rap CD I had made a little while back. My buddy from San Francisco hooked me up and let me fool around at his studio in Oceanside.

"Isn't my mix tape fire?" I look over at Oli, taking my eyes off of the road for a split second.

I hear him chuckle lightly, "sure ya spazz."

I pretend to act hurt by his words, gasping dramaticly.

I hesr Vic groan in the back seat, I see Oli from the corner of my eye look back at him.

"You okay little bird?"  I ask, looking into the rear veiw mirror, seeing nothing, so that means that he is still laying down.

"Mhm," I hear Vic mumble. I frown, I really hope he isn't getting bad again. It would kill me. I can't bear to see him like that again. I have no idea what Alex and Jack told Vic, but I am determined to find out.

We arrive home quickly. Oli goes to the backseat to grab up Vic. Vic is rather used to being picked up by now. He rests his head on Oli's shoulder, probably thinking its me. I reach into the flower pot and grab the spare key and unlock the door.

"You can just put him in his room, I'll be in the basement," I say quietly to Oli, not wanting to disturb the sleeping Victurd.

I trot down the basement steps, and walk over to the bean bags and plop down on the black one, and I close my eyes. Soon I hear Oli's footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Tired?" I hear his thick British accent. I nod slowly.

"Do you have any weed left?" He asks, I hear him plop down onto the leather couch behind me.

I shake my head, "Chris hasn't been hooking me up, I think his supllier died or something."


After a brief moment of silence, Oli speaks up.

"Mike, uh, I've been meaning to ask you something," I hear him get up and sit in the red bean bag next to mine. I open my eyes and turn my head towards him.

"Well, on Friday night, I got up to go tot the bathroom while everyone was sleeping. And when i went to wash my hands, and I saw a blade. Your blade," my eyes widen. How could I have been so dumb?

I sit up,"uh.."

"When was the last time you have done it Mike, be honest!" Oli demands, his eyes showing fierceness and seriousness, his chestnut hair flopping over his forehead.

"Since Saturday morning," I say honestly,"but I won't be doing it anymore."

"Good, I flushed the blade anyway," Oli says, smiling smugly.

"Thanks Oli," I reach my arms out and hug his skinny, narrow body.

"I can't lose you."

Kellins p.o.v

Its lunchtime, and Vic Oli and Mike are no where to be seen.

"Where could they be?" Tay says, scanning her eyes over the crowded cafeteria.

I shrug, frowning. I haven't talk to Vic all day and it is killing me. I feel so empty without him near me. I follow Tay to the lunch table.

"Hmm. Austin Allan Andy Chris and Hime aren't here too" Tay states. I look around our table. They aren't. Sweet. Then something clicks in my brain. Wait. NOT SWEET. What if they are the reason Oli Mike and Vic aren't here?! I need some space...

"Uh.. I need to go to the bathroom," I say, and get up from the table. Alex, Jack and Tony look up at me, both of them have fearful expressions on their faces. I give them a confused look in return.

I walk out of the cafeteria.

What was that all about?

I walk to the bathroom, pushing open the big swingy door, and as soon as I walk in, I am greated with a powerful blow to the stomach. I topple over, gasping for air.

"How does that feel, fag?" I look up, Allan is standing infront of me, behind him are Austin and Jaime, both have wicked grins on their faces.

Allan punches me square in the face, causing me to fall down to the cold ground. I cry out in pain.

"Faggot!" Allan spits.

Austin chuckles,"nice Al, Jaime? Do you want a turn with the pathetic fuck?"

I look up at Jaime, who looks hesitant.

"Sure," he made up his mind, I curl up into the fetal position, and am soon kicked in the stomach three times. Old memories flash into my head. The same group of kids would do the same thing, they would all take turns harming me. It would happen basically every week.

I start to sob, my body shaking.

Someone bursts into the bathroom.

"STOP!" a familiar voice cries out.

"Tay Jardine! Coming to the rescue, eh?" Allan says in his smug little voice.

"YOU BET YOUR GINGER ASS I AM!" Tay snaps. I look up at her, tears staining my face, probably also blood. She looks down at me, a sad expression came across her face, then was quickly replaced by a pissed off one as she looks back at the three douches.

"You aren't even aloud in here!" Jaime points out. Tay steps up angrily, and i swear I see Jaime flinch.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FLYING FUCK?!" Tay growls. She may be small as fuck, but she sure is scary.

Austin whistles, and I swear I see Alan shoot him a glare. Tay's head snaps to him and she becomes even more fired. If thats even possible!

"AND YOU! YOU DISGUST ME! I ACTUALLY THOUGHT YOU CHANGED BUT BOY AM I WRONG!"  Tay is going bat shit, she has to stand up on her tippy toes to look Austin in the eye, but she only makes it a little past his broad shoulders.

"Sorry bout it!" He says slyly, earning a slap in the face from the tiny Tay. The slap isn't a soft one either, the sound vibrated off the walls! Austin cups his face in his hands. The room went quiet, and I see Tay start to back away, I get up slowly as well, ready to haul ass and make a run for it.

Austin looks up , and growls. Tay then turns on the heals of her boots and runs, grabbing me up my my arm.

We burst through the doors of the guys bathroom, and into the cafeteria where teachers are. We skidded to a stop at our tabel.

"Jesus christ of nazareth what happened?" Jack asked, raising his bushy eyebrows.

"Long story," Tay says, trying to catch her breath.

"Well Kellin looks like he just went into a war," Tony says, I look at Tony who is sitting across from me.

"Alan and Jaime,": I say.

"Told you," Alex and Jack say together, "I heard them talking about doing it in the hallways," Alex says quietly.

Tonys eyes flood with sympathy, and I look down at my hands.

Oh Vic, where are you?




- andre

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