~the little love nest pt.2~

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Chapter 2

Derek was busy in the kitchen while Meredith was bundled up in one of his sweaters by the fireplace with a glass of wine in her hand. He would give her a loving look every now and she would smile at him as she rested her eyes on his mouth which she secretly (albeit in a very obvious way) dreamed of kissing.

With their job, they hardly ever took the time to cook real meals and the image of Derek, his hair still disheveled after their morning lovemaking, cooking for her, was an image that gave her many naughty thoughts and made her really hungry (and not only for food).

Yeah maybe ten years had passed since their wedding, and a little more since they first met at Joe's, but nothing had really changed between them. The passion was still there... Meredith sometimes had the impression of always being the young intern who secretly had the right to kiss the attending in neurosurgery ... She had married the said attending, he was head of neurosurgery now, and she was head of general, but yet... Derek was having that effect on her, it was like he was keeping her forever young.

She took a sip of the very fine wine the chalet owner had left them as a welcome gift and picked up her phone to check if there was any news of the children and Derek's sister: Amelia had indeed left them a message:

"The children are doing well. Ellis refuses to take off her cowboy costume to sleep. Any idea on how to make her listen to me and put on her pajamas? She is worse than her father... "

"Amelia sent a message," Meredith said to Derek.

"Let me guess, Ellie wants to keep her costume in bed?" he asked as he sliced an onion into thin strips and tossed them into a pan to caramelize them.

"The cowboy costume is still more comfortable than the astronaut one... remember?" laughed Meredith.

"Oh yes! She didn't want to take off that damn helmet for weeks, I had to make her believe he flew to Mars," Derek smirked, then he added: "tell Amy to dress up as a horse and let Ellis ride her in exchange for suitable pajamas. It always works ..."

Meredith wasted no time sending the message to her sister-in-law, remembering all those nights when Derek wore that horse costume for Ellis, or crossed swords with Bailey during his pirate days, or even played at the dinette with Zola. He was an amazing father and for that alone she blessed heaven every day. A perfect father, a perfect husband and not to spoil anything, a very good looking one.

She put the phone and glass of wine on the nearest coffee table and stood up to hug him from behind, her hands gently resting on his chest as he cut peppers and tomatoes with surgical precision.

-Mer... I'll burn everything if you tempt me like that.

"I'm just hugging my husband," she whispered innocently, yet her hands were playing a rather dangerous game on his chest. "Smells good," she continued, looking over his shoulder to see what he was cooking.

Derek stroked her hand still resting on his stomach and turned around for just a second to steal a kiss:

"It's almost ready."

"Very good. I'm hungry and I really want to get to dessert very quickly."

"You are incorrigible. Go to the table or I'm sure we are not going to eat at all if we continue on that path."

Without too much protest, she complied and took a seat at the table where Derek had displayed candles, some beautiful plates, a rose in a vase. Where the hell had he found a rose when the snow was falling hard outside? And especially when had he found the time to get one? They hadn't been out since they got to the chalet... they hadn't even gotten out of bed if she was to be completely honest. Either way, it was a really nice gesture.

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